
Happy Trans Visibility Day!

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I want to wish you all a Happy Trans Visibility Day! I... don't know what that means. Are we told that transsexuals are invisible? That no one notices them? I have to tell you, people have been noticing, and it's not working out so great.

I don't know why we would have a holiday for this. It sounds like something that was cooked up in some gender studies seminar at Gumbo State University.

The big issue right now is not that transsexuals are invisible. The issue now is that they are extremely visible, and some of the antics of people insisting we pretend transsexuals are the sex they have chosen are starting to piss people off.

I have a proposal for this. How about "Everybody Be Cool Day"? It's a day where we celebrate everybody just being cool. You don't screw with other people (without a good reason), and you go about your life not being screwed with because you haven't given anyone a reason to screw with you. I'm a big supporter of it.

I know today's April Fools' Day, but I'm not fooling about Trans Visibility Day; it really is a thing. We had President Gumby talking about it.