
The Unbiased Chuck Todd Props Up Biden in an Unbiased Fashion

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"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.


Legalized Press-titution – MSNBC

  • The unbiased Chuck Todd props up Biden in an unbiased fashion.

It is with amusement that Chuck Todd continues to insist there is no partisanship found in the press. This is because, beyond his career of favoritism, one of his favorite topics over the course of the past year is how Democrats can be helped in their messaging. His latest strained effort was just ahead of Joe Biden's State of the Union speech, and Todd seems particularly bothered that more Americans are not impressed with the current state of our economy. Yes, seriously.

- "Huge chunks of the country describe the current economic climate as a 'recession or a depression.' And even more describe it as 'not good and poor' despite the fact that it's never been easier to get a job, never been easier to get a high-paying job."

Oh. Well, I guess everything is swell. The soaring inflation, bloated gas prices, and lack of certain goods are all nothing to be concerned with these days. Of course, Todd has an explanation at the ready as to why Americans have been deluded into thinking things are bad after being accosted in the wallet at the grocery store and gas pump. He turned to the unbiased former Obama administration Jen Palmieri and asked her in unbiased fashion:

-  "Is this a – the right-wing echo chamber is better than the Democratic echo chamber?"

Low Octane Gas Lighting – MSNBC

  • Chris Hayes insists both your eyes AND your ears are lying to you about Ron DeSantis.

Many have seen how the press is in a fullscale meltdown now that Covid is in retreat and mandates are falling away almost daily. Journalists are just angst-ridden that their preferred method of lecturing and control over the populace is ebbing away, and they are not handling it in a healthy fashion. 

Yesterday, Governor Ron DeSantis addressed a class of high schoolers and admonished them for wearing masks, telling them they did not have to wear what he called a useless item. The press lost their collective minds. Displaying this distemper in perfect fashion was Chris Hayes, who accused DeSantis of mandating behavior.

Chris clearly stampeded ahead with his charge, despite the fact that he not only provided video but the transcript of DeSantis actually saying, "So if you want to wear it, fine, but this is ridiculous." 

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

You might have heard about Texas staging its primaries on Tuesday. What you are unlikely to have heard are many of the results. It seems when it comes to one of the most popular topics in the press – race and ethnicity – there is not so much interest when it comes to good news.

Think back to the last year, or more, of all the dire reports and editorials we were delivered about the hateful and racist election laws drawn up in a number of states. These Jim Crow (Jim Eagle?!) laws were said to be the work of Republican intolerance and the desire to strip away voting rights, and then when you toss in the redistricting taking place, well – we were told minorities would be completely silenced, or something. 

Now, the results have been coming in from Texas, and there is a curious lack of activity seen in the press; they are not too active to announce how a great deal of black and Hispanic candidates won their races. Worse – many of them won on the GOP ticket. 

It appears the Republicans failed mightily as they elected a significant amount of the people they were allegedly trying to keep from office. 

Prose & Contradiction – DAN RATHER

  • Tell you what, Dan, pop culture references might not be your strong suit.

The deposed CBS News titan Dan Rather saw the recent announcement that the January 6 commission might possibly kind of potentially sort of have some evidence to convict Donald Trump of…something. This seems to have excited him a bit. Rather resorted to the tired cliche of "The Walls Are Closing In" on Trump (frankly, we are not impressed until it is announced to be a bombshell), and he took that a step further.

It will be at this time that I run the risk of appearing like a fanboy nerd, but in the Star Wars scene that Dan mentions – everybody managed to get out completely unscathed. So this is to be seen as good news for Trump.

Anti-Social Media – Action News 4 / Pittsburgh

  • I wonder if this could be declared 'A Freudian Clip'?

During their news broadcast, a local Steel City affiliate was transferring to a new item, and as the anchor was detailing her report, there was an inadvertent chyron slip-up. Reading ahead on the story of an elderly man arrested for inappropriate touching with a pre-teen girl, the control room briefly posted up an image of another elderly man with a history of touching younger girls in a questionable fashion – President Joe Biden.

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

A bit of a CPAC lingering nugget here. For weeks, the press has been rather excitable about their attempt at slamming Governor DeSantis over supposed sympathies with a claimed rising groundswell of Nazis in the state of Florida. To do so, they have to ignore the long list of examples of DeSantis showing deference to the Jewish community. But Nazis are running amok in Florida, we are told, and the governor is perfectly fine with this – based on him not getting appropriately emotional over them.

Well, it so happens those Nazis made another appearance this past weekend, as they were protesting the CPAC conference in town. Already there is a problem; they were protesting against the very people the media was trying to say support them. That was only the beginning of the problems, as I walked up to these insipid Stasi simpletons to see just how impotent they are as a group.