
Joy Reid Show's She's Well Above Her Weight class in a Battle of Wits

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"Riffed from the Headlines" is Townhall's daily VIP feature with coverage on the deeply flawed aspects of journalism in the nation. We'll look to bring accountability to the mishaps, malaprops, misdeeds, manipulations, malpractice, and manufactured narratives in mainstream media.



  • Rising to Liz Warren's defense and lowering expectations at the same time.

Joy Reid decided to join in on the feud of words between Elon Musk and Senator Elizabeth Warren. As we covered yesterday, Warren attempted to shame Time's Person of the Year as not paying his fair share, and Musk proved she was dealing above her pay grade going after the billionaire. Now, Joy Reid is showing she is well above her weight class in a battle of wits.

Of course, Joy had to resort to her only gambit from her one-trick bag, but it is beyond logic how Musk referring to Warren as Senator Karen is racist AND sexist. Joy, if you want to be taken seriously in any fashion, then maybe not following the screeds in Teen Vogue is the way to go.

Reporting on the Mirror – NEW YORK MAGAZINE

The Omicron Covid variant has been something the press has been reporting eagerly, but you get a sense that they hype this strain in order to keep the virus in the news. The variant has been rather widespread but far less intense, by many reports. Yet suddenly, the journalists around New York City have taken an elevated interest; it is starting to affect their parties!

- "It began, as these things often do, in the group chats. Everyone seemed to know someone who'd tested positive that very morning. Suddenly, it all spilled on to Twitter. The writer Jamie Lauren Keiles: 'everyone who is anyone has covid right now.'"

This is how Shawn McGleesh details things in The Intelligencer, as he and many in the industry were detailing how many were contracting the virus, and worse yet – Christmas parties were either being blamed or canceled. It has a level of tongue-in-cheek reporting, but it is rather sour to see them all note how they are becoming affected and then dubbing this breakout as "The Media Variant."

Anti-Social Media – THE ATLANTIC

  • Catering to their readers, The Atlantic goes full-morose on Covid.

Earlier this week, there was outrage in the readership of The Atlantic. Matthew Walther wrote in "Where I Live No One Cares About COVID" about how in flyover country, few people were exhibiting much in the way of anxiety over the viral scourge. Well, the readers were outraged that this was not appropriately panic-stricken and hysterical. Many expressed outrage at this lack of hyperbolic Covid coverage, with a number proclaiming they were canceling their subscriptions – over a lack of panic.

Seemingly set to recover these lost hysterics, the outlet has pushed out some newer works, and these seem to instill the proper level of anxiety and fear-porn. Ian Bogost has a dismal outlook on the whole pandemic lifestyle thing, and then there is their field report from the trenches of New York, to properly get their customers inspired to don that second mask once again. 

News Avoidance Syndrome – VARIOUS OUTLETS

One of the side outrages seen throughout the press is how those dastardly Republicans have been redistricting in many states, their gerrymandering efforts seen as just another way the GOP is rigging the voting systems in this country in their effort to bring an end to our democracy. The humor, of course, is in pretending that Democrats are not up to the exact same thing in states that they control.

One reason we have learned why they may be reticent to detail the Dems' district alterations – they seem to be screwing things up in Nevada. Representative Dina Titus recently gave a speech to union reps, and she mentioned how the redistricting is going in her home state. It seems her party leaders have redrawn things in a way that does not shore up their reelection chances. In their attempt to bolster things in the midterms, she notes that three solid blue districts are now all up for grabs. See if you can parse her impression on things in the subtext of her comments.

"I totally got F***ed by the Legislature on my district," she said. "I'm sorry to say it like that, but I don't know any other way to say it." 

Pre-Written Field Reports – CNN

  • No need to actually listen to the recording, the choice-select pull-quotes are bad enough.

This may surprise a few of you (Editor's Note – this will surprise no one), but the Trump-obsessed media found something objectionable from Trump to report on! Trump recently sat for an interview with Israeli Middle East reporter Barak Ravid, and he spoke at length about the Jewish voters in the United States. Most of what Trump said is not itself bad, but his brusque manner of speech means that many of his individual statements can come off sounding harsh.

Of course, this is exactly what the media yobbos latched onto to insinuate or flat-out accuse the president of saying anti-Semitic things.

Now, if Jake Tapper, and the many others who race to their Twitter accounts to blast out their outrage, had taken a moment, there are two things they could do in order to get a fuller picture. One would have been to actually listen to the full interview and hear what he was saying. The second would be to recall that the allegedly intolerant Trump has immediate family members who are Jewish. But that would be a little much to ask for.

Low Octane Gas Lighting – CNN

  • Just imagine if Fox had a good week, Brian.

Let's end the week with a chortle. Brian Stelter drew up a piece where he detailed all of the supposed problems Fox News dealt with this week. Chris Wallace left (shrug), the emails released from the J-6 Committee (which ended up proving there was no coordination with the riot), and they had to remove a political cartoon from their website (devastating). 

Meanwhile, the network was putting out notices that they just came in as the #1-rated news network for 2021 – making it the sixth consecutive year at the top of the ratings. Meanwhile…