Is OMICRON the End of the World?

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Oh, noes! Hide your children! Run for the hills! Wear three masks to bed and in the shower! That’s right. Just in time for the holidays and the prospect of entirely too many people having entirely too much fun, there’s a new scariant, er, variant coming to KILL us all. 

Or, possibly, give some of us the sniffles … We’re not sure at this point, but the one thing we CAN be certain of is that all the dumb measures forced upon us by all the usual suspects - travel bans, lockdowns, forced masking, vaccination mandates, etc. - that have so far been utter failures against stopping all previous iterations of this thing, will also be completely inept in stopping the spread of the newest ‘kid’ on the block.

But, of course, that inconvenient fact won’t stop the powers-that-be from using the rise of OMICRON (sounds like a great name for a Transformer, doesn’t it?) as a pretext to double down on that Covid-tyranny gravy train they’ve enjoyed riding for so long at our expense. The urge to control, the lust for power, the need to have their egos stoked will, as usual, prove too much for the simpletons in charge of public policy at the federal level and in most blue states. So get ready for more of the same insanity followed by more of the same dismal results. (But hey, on the bright side, at least my friend Ian Miller won’t lack for chart material!)

What do we actually know about variant B.1.1.529? Not a whole lot, except that it was identified fairly recently in South Africa and it’s likely soon coming to a theater near all of us, if it’s not already here. Apparently, this one has significant enough genetic differences from other variants that experts are even afraid it could avoid the (months-long) ‘immunity’ generated from the current ‘vaccines.’

But “get vaccinated!!” they all continue to staunchly insist, with zero sense of self-reflection whatsoever even as they admit the above. But fortunately, people are starting to get wise to their scam. The fact that these therapeutics, er, ‘vaccines’ couldn’t stop or even slightly curb the spread of Delta should make anyone with the slightest critical thinking skills think twice before rolling up their sleeves this time around.

The good news, and the news our overlords will never focus on, is that while OMICRON could be more contagious, it also doesn’t initially appear to be nearly as deadly as previous iterations. 

"It presents mild disease with symptoms being sore muscles and tiredness for a day or two not feeling well,” said Angelique Coetzee, chairwoman of the South African Medical Association. “So far, we have detected that those infected do not suffer loss of taste or smell. They might have a slight cough. There are no prominent symptoms. Of those infected some are currently being treated at home."

To be fair, the fear-mongering *could* be right this time. Delta, though manageable without mandates in most states, was worse in the U.S. than it was in the U.K. or India. But even if this mutation ends up being worse, the ridiculous measures we keep employing to “stop the spread” aren’t about to do any better than they did the last go-round. So why not live your life and stop worrying about it?

This virus, like highly contagious respiratory viruses always do, is gonna virus. And maybe that’s a good thing this time around. A lightning-quick-spreading, milder form of Covid could be the best thing to happen to humanity since this pandemic began. Endemicity, and taking its place among the common colds, is our best hope at this point, both for immune systems and to end the tyranny of the Covid-fascists. If it’s indeed mild, I hope it spreads so fast that governments can’t possibly react. In this way, nature’s vaccine could take its course despite the ill-intentions of overlords who think they are somehow the ones in control.

Meanwhile, Dr. Anthony Fauci says “it’s really too early to say” whether we’ll see new lockdowns or mandates. Whatever, dude. As usual, I say we all ignore them if they come along. Pretend these clowns don’t exist and, unless it makes sense to you in your particular situation, do the exact opposite of anything they recommend. 

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