Nevada Can Follow Virginia’s Lead And Take Back The Senate In 2022

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Less than a year into Joe Biden’s presidency, we’ve seen economic decline at home, embarrassment abroad, a humanitarian crisis at our southern border, and a complete abandonment of the values that have made America great.

Fortunately, Americans are stepping up to oppose his failed leadership and nowhere has this been more apparent than on the issue of education.

Right now, parents are leading a revolution across this country. After years of dealing with poor schooling, endless lockdowns, and radical indoctrination, they’re making it clear that they’ve had enough and they’re demanding change.

The revolution was a quiet one – until we saw Glenn Youngkin’s historic victory in Virginia. Youngkin listened to parents across his state and focused on the issues they care about. That’s why he was able to flip what had been a solidly blue state for the GOP for the first time in over a decade.

Make no mistake, this was nothing short of a total rejection of Biden’s empty agenda and a full-throated embrace of conservative principles.

While many in the national media were shocked that a Republican won in a state that Biden won by ten points in 2020, Nevadans were not surprised to see the result, because we are all too familiar with the same issues that drove Virginians out to the polls.

For years Nevada’s schools rank near last in the nation, and the Democrats who hold nearly every statewide office haven’t lifted a finger to help them. Our Senator Catherine Cortez Masto has been weak on this issue, it’s one of the main reasons why I’m running against her in 2022.

As Attorney General for Nevada, I supported our state’s school choice programs and went to court to defend our Education Savings Accounts when the left attacked them. As the father of three young children, making sure our students have the tools and the opportunities they need to succeed is more important than anything for the future of our state and our country.

But Senator Masto has stood with liberal activists over parents and students. When the Senate considered legislation to prohibit federal funds from being spent on critical race theory programs – which teach racist ideologies that divide students – she refused to support it.

Masto sent a message to every parent in Nevada that she is content with letting our children be brainwashed by hateful doctrines that teach them to hate our history while casting Abraham Lincoln and George Washington as white supremacists. It’s pure insanity.

Unfortunately, it’s not just education where Masto has failed. She claims she’s stood for Nevada jobs, but right now our state has the worst unemployment in the nation. She claims to support key industries like mining, but she’s openly discussed imposing taxes on them. And she claims to stand for law enforcement, but she’s done nothing to oppose her party’s radical defund the police agenda.

The 2022 midterm elections will be a referendum on Joe Biden’s failures. Virginia led the charge and made a statement by rejecting his empty promises and liberal demagoguery, Nevada has a chance to put the nail in the coffin for Biden’s Senate majority.

National observers are already taking notice. Just hours after the Virginia race was called, the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics moved their rating on our race from “Leans Democrat” to “Toss-up,” a clear sign of our momentum and of the changing tides that are sweeping our country.

The road to the Senate majority runs through Nevada. I look forward to working with people across our state from all walks of life to deliver real change and restore conservative leadership for Nevada and the United States.