
Biden Can't Fix What He Shattered

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We are nine months into the Biden presidency, and it's pretty easy to reach the conclusion that the near-octagenarian, five-decade veteran of the DC swamp has pretty much turned a functioning and even thriving nation into a pile of toxic debris that might be found under his son Hunter's bed after a week-long binge of parmesan cheese and barely legal Ukrainian prostitutes. 

In short: This country, in many respects, is broken. Wait... that's not entirely accurate. It sounds too passive. It sounds like it was an accident or something. 

This country has been broken. And Joe Biden broke it. 

The border is a broken disaster. Biden purposefully reversed Donald Trump's effective "Remain in Mexico" policy for asylum seekers, and he reversed the prohibition on "catch and release." He has systematically demonized and undermined the efforts of the law enforcement officers charged with enforcing the same laws that Biden himself voted for in his many years in the Senate. 

The economy is flailing.  After a robust rebound in the stock market and the GDP after the Covid crash of mid-2020, the economic indicators driving Wall Street and production have stalled or slipped despite the fact that Covid numbers are down and vaccine numbers are up. 

The employment situation is a withering mess. Biden has continued to bully employers to "pay them more" while he incentivizes unemployment by forcing more federal benefits to potential employees who literally make more money by doing nothing. 

Our foreign policy is in shambles. Biden has reduced our influence and reputation from Afghanistan to Iran to France and even NATO to a lamentable disgrace. Americans are still trapped in Afghanistan and at the mercy of the murderous terrorist Taliban government. His inept generals have testified that they warned him against his pathetic pull-out, and he continues to deny he ever got their advice. 

The supply chain is in crisis. Biden's do-nothing policies through his inept and unqualified Transportation Secretary have thrown our ports, trucking network, shipping industry, and rail freight infrastructure into near paralysis. 

Inflation continues unabated. Prices have skyrocketed, and everything from gas to bacon has gotten more expensive by factors of 10% to 30% to 100%. It's almost as though printing unlimited dollars under the guise of "Covid relief" drives down the value of our currency and forces higher prices at every step of the economy, thus inflating the cost of every good, service, and end product on store shelves. 

As we examine every hardship in this nation, there is a direct line from the broken elements of our society to a failed Biden policy that was deliberately instituted to advance his incoherent agenda or just to distinguish him from a Trump policy he inherited. 

That's the bad news. Now, for the worse news. 

Biden is incapable of fixing any of this. 

The obvious way to fix the border, for example, would be to reverse his disastrous decisions and re-institute the policies that were working. The policies he inherited. The Trump policies. 

And this is what he is incapable of doing. 

Not because he doesn't have the skills or power to do so, it's because he doesn't have the character, will, or humility to do so. 

Biden was motivated to be the "Anti-Trump." Therefore, anything Trump had done had to be flipped 180 degrees. Even if by any objective measure, it was working. His pride, ego, and insecurity manifested in boastful narcissism and compelled him to just "Costanza" his way from issue to issue and do whatever it took to reverse Trump. 

And now, look where we are. 

He broke it all, and he can't possibly fix it because if he did, he would have to admit that Trump got some things right. It would take humility to do that, and this man doesn't know the meaning of the word.

Want proof?

It's pretty obvious, actually. Think about it... A man who has now implemented the most radical, pro-abortion policies in the history of our nation still presents himself for communion every Sunday. When a so-called "devout Catholic" has the sinful pride to offer himself to a priest to receive the Holy Eucharist while he has the mortal sin of thousands of abortions staining his soul, it's pretty obvious that humility is not one of his characteristics. 

God help us all... literally.