
'Indigenous Peoples' Day' is Made Up Nonsense

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Today is Columbus Day or, to hear whiny leftists and thin-skinned losers tell it, it’s Indigenous People’s Day. I don’t really give a damn about the latter, it’s made up because liberals want to destroy the former. But reality is reality, and in 1492, Christopher Columbus solidified the belief that the world is round. Celebrate it, it’s a great thing. And recognize that you, too, if you were born here, are an indigenous person.

First off, we have to address the whining leftists who insist Columbus committed genocide. This is as lazy an argument as it is stupid. Did diseases that Indians didn’t have defenses for make their way across the Atlantic? Of course they did. As did diseases going in the other direction that Europeans didn’t have natural immunity against. So what? 

Do Democrats really think no one would have ever noticed there was a whole other half of the planet? That Indians would’ve been saved from disease in perpetuity? That’s impossible. Whose fault is it that Europeans were significantly more developed in every conceivable way than the tribes in the Americas? 

People existed in both places pretty much the whole time, one side created clothing, trade, and ships to travel the world, and the other side didn’t. We have no idea why, but we do know the why doesn’t matter. It just is.

Someone was going to cross the ocean sooner or later. Since it was unlikely to be in a canoe, things unfolded the only way things could have unfolded. 

As for the “Columbus brought slavery” garbage, slavery existed here long before Chris ever showed up. So did brutality and war. Tribes fought each other, region fought each other. Just because they didn’t have cannons and swords doesn’t mean they were civilized peacemakers. That’s just a lie the left perpetrates to call Europeans savages, but invading neighboring towns to rape and pillage had pretty much gone away in Europe, which still thriving here.

Democrats would have you believe it was Utopia here until this day 529 years ago, but that would be as big of a lie as the declaration that Joe Biden’s trillions in spending have an actual cost of zero. 

And none of this reality has even touched on the fact that if the Indians had developed travel and weaponry first, they would have done the same thing to every other part of the world. Asia has disease and slavery, Africa had disease and slavery, nowhere didn’t. You want to talk about a “big lie,” listen to a progressive Democrat talk about what this day is commemorating. 

That brings us to the renaming of the day to “Indigenous People’s Day.” Is there a more condescending name for so-called holiday? “We’re celebrating you because you’re so special and valid and important,” said the rich white liberal lady, likely named Karen, divorced with two kids, Jayden and some new spelling of Megan she’ll spend the rest of her life correcting people over. 

These people can’t leave anything alone because their lives are empty. They need something external to validate them, to give them purpose. It isn’t their kids, they just remind them of the “damage” we’re doing to the planet. They feel guilty for having them, so they turn them into pretentious little monsters and bury them in participation ribbons. 

No, they need to impact society as a whole because nothing short of judging everyone else to be inferior gives them a sense of purpose. So you change Christmas to “holidays” and mourn on July 4th; you make Martin Luther King Jr Day a high holy day while working against everything the man stood for and said. And you fight to change the definition of words and destroy reality by declaring absurd things to be true, like gender isn’t real, and working tirelessly to destroy anyone who says differently.

Well, before they managed to change more words, know that Merriam-Webster (currently) defines indigenous as “produced, living, or existing naturally in a particular region or environment.” By that definition, you are an indigenous person to wherever you were born. However you want to look at it – city, state, country, hemisphere, planet – you are an indigenous persons. 

Let the leftists choke on that as they try to further divide us and wipe history clean so they can grab more control and power. To hell with them, this is your day! Happy Indigenous Person’s Day, which just so happens to fall on Columbus Day. So you have two things to celebrate today.