How Not to Convince the Unvaccinated

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If you believe what the Biden Administration says, you'd think that its top priority right now and for the past several months has been to convince the "vaccine-hesitant" to get the vaccine. It has tried so many approaches... enticements through lotteries and give-aways, coercion through name-calling and mandates, public shaming and mockery. 

You name it, the administration's tried it. And yet, there continues to be a significant portion of the public who remain unvaccinated. 

You'd think after all those efforts, the Biden team would start looking at its approach and strategy and rethink its plan. Maybe it'd recognize that everything it's tried hasn't worked, and maybe some fresh ideas would serve it better. 

You'd think that, but you'd be wrong. 

This week, like every week since the pandemic began, we saw Dr. Anthony Fauci lecturing us about how we should be behaving based on whatever rules Fauci has decided to glom onto this week. 

"I respect people's freedom, but..." No! Stop right there. If you truly respect people's freedom, then your sentence would stop. You wouldn't have a big but there. And it's a big but... Kardashian proportions. 

Believe it or not, geniuses, trotting Fauci out on Anderson Cooper to scream "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH" literally convinces NOBODY. Anyone who still respects this guy has already gotten the shot. Anyone who hasn't is probably not watching Anderson Cooper. 

Maybe Fauci should do a private zoom call with his fellow Ph.D.'s. "Hesitancy held constant in the most educated group (those with a PhD); by May PhD's were the most hesitant group," according to a recent Carnegie Mellon study. 

One thing you don't need a study for is to reach the conclusion that Fauci has outstayed his welcome. He is preaching to the choir every time he goes on a boring Beltway Sunday show and lectures the unwashed masses who aren't watching and aren't listening. This is now just an exercise in narcissism, and it only further entrenches people in their positions. There is nothing Fauci could say right now that could convince someone to get the vaccine. 

The real root of the problem Biden has is revealed in the very first words of this column. "If you believe what the Biden Administration says..." 

The fact is, most people don't. And the more he and his vice president and his spokesperson slam the podium, point fingers, mock, threaten, and snark, they only succeed in further alienating the very people they claim to want to reach and convince. 

It won't work. 

This is a man who launched his campaign on a provable, bald-faced, atrocious lie. He said he knew he had to run because of Charlottesville. 

“That’s when we heard the words from the president of the United States that stunned the world and shocked the conscience of this nation,” Biden intoned, that there were “some very fine people on both sides.”  Biden said that Trump “assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and that in this moment Biden concluded “we are in a battle for the soul of the nation.”

By now you know (or I certainly hope you know) that Trump said this in Charlottesville: "And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists." 

Biden began his campaign on a lie and kept that lie going right up through the inauguration, where he promised to bring us together as a nation. Since then, he has done nothing to bring us together. 

  • He has appointed a secretary of defense whose main objective has been to divide those who wear the uniform into tidy little Critical Race Theory subsets. 
  • He has pushed through trillions of dollars in so-called "Covid relief" spending and used those measures to claim that Republicans who didn't go along with his obscene, needless spree had actually voted to "defund the police." 
  • He has claimed that the mere notion that a photo ID should be required before a person voted is racist and worse than segregationist-era Jim Crow laws. 

These are not the acts of a unifying president. These are the acts of a duplicitous, fear-mongering thug. 

And, let's not forget, he divided us during the campaign over these very vaccines. 

He and his running mate sewed the early seeds of doubt about the nature of the vaccines, the process under which they were developed, and the authorization process used to bring them to market. Their claim, at the time, was that if Trump oversaw the entire process, these vaccines can't be trusted. 

Once he came into office, he lied about the vaccine distribution plan he had inherited. First, the administration claimed its goal would be 100 million shots in 100 days, even though Trump had us on that pace before Biden took office. Biden then falsely claimed the distribution regime was a disorganized mess. 

The fact is, Biden and his craven political hacks have politicized these vaccines from the beginning. 

If Biden really wanted to break through some people's vaccine reluctance, he'd address the nation like this: 

My fellow Americans, I lied to you. Vice President Harris lied to you too. When we were campaigning, we purposefully, without any evidence, lied about President Trump and his management of the vaccination process. We lied because we are politicians who will literally do or say anything to be elected and gain power, even if it means politicizing a health crisis. 

The fact is, the vaccines are a miracle, and we have one man to thank, President Donald Trump. I should have set politics aside and said so in the Fall of 2020, but I was so desperate to win the election I put us all in danger by suggesting the shots couldn't be trusted. 

Please forgive me. Please join me in honoring Donald Trump and his incredible achievement and please, utilize this incredible triumph of American ingenuity and protect yourself by getting vaccinated. 

Until he does something like this, the vaccine will be seen by many people as a political weapon because that's how it has been treated thus far. 

Listen, it's not my job to get you vaccinated or to convince you to do so. I'm vaccinated, and so is my family. It was the right decision for us, and considering the people in my life over the past several weeks who were unvaccinated, contracted the virus, and have ended up in the hospital or dead, I'm glad I got vaccinated. 

The shot does not guarantee that you will not catch the virus. If Biden or Fauci said that, they were stupid liars... ignore them. 

The reality is that you may still catch the virus. But, as of now, you are five times more likely to get the virus if you are unvaccinated. Also, you are 29 times more likely to get hospitalized if you are unvaccinated and catch the virus. 

The way the media treats this story and the way the Biden Administration treats it, and the way pop culture treats it and academia and the teachers' unions and Fauci and the CDC and all of them... it feels like a relentless bullying attack. I get it. I know. They all suck. 

They have lied to us so many times and treated us with such contempt that it is impossible to take them seriously on this. I know. 

I also know this weekend a person close to my family died. She was 75 and healthy. She was not vaccinated. She is now dead. I also know that a colleague (a radio host who was hostile to the idea of getting vaccinated) also died this weekend. He was not vaccinated. He is now dead. 

You can agree with me that Biden is a liar and Psaki is duplicitous, and Fauci is a hack, and their tactics to try to force you to get vaccinated are un-American, disrespectful, and offensive. You can agree with me on all of that... and you can still get vaccinated because it was a triumph of the Trump Administration. He was right, you were right to support and celebrate him, and like Trump, you can exercise your independence and freedom by getting vaccinated, stay alive and vote these jerks out in 2022 and beyond. 

I respect your freedom. No but.