
Kamala Harris Is a Failure

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Deploying Vice President Kamala Harris for interviews about rural America is a terrible, ill-fated strategy. Who thought this was a smart idea? What is the White House thinking? 

After assuming office in January, the vice president failed to inform Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) she’d be appearing on local TV to push the American Rescue Plan. She callously told a news anchor it’s necessary to displace coal miners from their jobs in order advance clean energy policies. Adding insult to injury, she suggested these energy workers transition into jobs involving reclaimed land mines. Who knew nonexistent reclaimed land mines in West Virginia need tending to? 

She said, “All of those skilled workers who are in the coal industry and transferring those skills to what we need to do in terms of dealing with reclaiming abandoned land mines; what we need to do around plugging leaks from oil and gas wells; and, transferring those important skills to the work that has yet to be done that needs to get done.”  

Harris is visibly clueless about reclaimed coal mines. Now, she’s doubling down by lecturing rural America about photocopying IDs. 

Earth to Madame VP: Stop denigrating rural Americans. Instead, go learn from them.

You Don’t ‘Build Back Better’ Insulting Rural Americans

In a recent interview with BET, VP Harris tried to wax poetic about voter ID but bombed, saying, "There are a whole lot of people, especially people who live in rural communities, who don't — there's no Kinko's, there's no OfficeMax near them," 

She added, "People have to understand that when we're talking about voter ID laws, be clear about who you have in mind and what would be required of them to prove who they are. Of course, people have to prove who they are, but not in a way that makes it almost impossible for them to prove who they are."

Talk about tone deaf. Kinko’s was bought by FedEx in 2004 for over two billion dollars. VP Harris can conduct a search for herself and find plenty of FedEx locations in rural communities. 

Regarding her interview performance, District Media Group president Beverly Hallberg tweeted, “It is surprising how absolutely terrible she is in interviews. From what she says to how she sounds to her uncomfortable body language and facial expressions, she’s really really bad at this.”

I concur with Beverly. VP Harris is ill-prepared for primetime. Plus, talking down to a large segment of America is an ugly look—one that won’t help her or her boss unify the country. 

Democrat Elites Don’t Appreciate Rural America’s Contributions

Rural America runs this country. It would be prudent of Harris and her ilk to grasp this. But alas, they don’t and never will. Hence voter constituencies abandoning Democrats for the Republican Party in droves now.

Rural America powers us. Rural America feeds us. And when times get tough, rural Americans save our butts during natural disasters or crises. We look to rural America for inspiration to endure and survive remote places and harsh conditions. In essence, rural America represents the very best of our great nation. 

Rural Americans are incredibly hard-working, but they’re not stupid nor technologically challenged. Far from it.

In my many travels around the U.S., I've met ranchers who practice law and make delicious condiments; well, drillers who oversee big companies and are leading elk reintroduction efforts; and humble foresters who own luxury golf courses and lodges. 

And I have no doubt I’ll meet more in my upcoming travels. Why? I love venturing outside the Beltway to meet, interview, or speak with regular Americans. They have stories worth broadcasting and sharing. 

VP Harris should try it sometime. 

These individuals are no less American than you or me. In fact, they are the very best of America. Coastal elites should value and try to emulate these folks. It’s easier, however, to be a pampered politician removed from everyday life awkwardly snickering at us plebeians. 

I’d entrust a denizen of rural America with my life over a tone deaf politician any day of the week. No contest. 


VP Kamala Harris doesn’t understand rural America. If she continues to treat her fellow Americans as inferior, backwards rubes she deserves the criticism and no future in politics. 

If Democrats continue to trash their opponents in this manner, they can expect a 2022 midterm election shellacking of epic proportions. And deservedly so. 

Never, ever denigrate large swaths of Americans. Because if you do, there will be plenty more Donald J. Trumps in your future.