We Must Destroy the Left at All Costs

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Tired of watching President Dementia fumble his way through a speech? Tired of seeing Democrats get away with sexual harassment and murderous, negligent nursing home orders? Tired of all the left's anti-American, woke, economy-killing policies? You can do something about that by joining Townhall VIP.

We here at Townhall are trying to deliver decisive blows to not just the Biden presidency, but liberal America in general. We’re the warriors trying to destroy the liberal media. But we need you

I’m sure you saw that The Washington Post recently admitted they totally made up a story about Trump and the Georgia secretary of state and 'finding the fraud'. It was a total fake news story, but it dominated the news cycle for days. This is all part of the long character assassination campaign the liberal media executed against President Trump. They have long-earned their ‘enemies of the people’ moniker.

By joining Townhall VIP, you help up sharpen the point of the lance with exclusive content and columns from top conservatives like Katie Pavlich, Larry O’Connor, and the inimitable Kurt Schlichter who brutally wreck the Left’s narratives on a weekly basis. You'll keep our own Julio Rosas traveling to the border, to expose the crisis of hundreds of thousands of illegals invading our country. We also fact-check the liberal media, who lie, obfuscate, and prop up Democrats with their nauseating analysis. They don't 'fact-check'... That’s just saying you don’t like someone else’s opinion. Oh, and they do this because we usually have Biden or some clown in his administration dead to rights when it comes to abject stupidity.

You can help us keep them in check. Remind them of who they really are—liars. Professional liars. If we let them, this crop of quasi-DNC communications hacks will infect everything quicker than COVID. Becoming a VIP member helps stop the spread and unlike nonsensical stuff, like wearing two masks, you’ll be part of the effort to finance the vaccine against the virus that is liberal America.

Join us today. Become part of the Townhall army in halting the march of the liberal media. To do so, we need your support. You can help us keep our arsenal well-stocked to fight all of their BS narratives they need to keep President Dementia from looking like more of a fool than he already does. To put it another way, you’ll help us skewer liberal America and keep America, America. 

Join Townhall VIP today to help keep us fighting for you, and our shared American values.