Kamala Harris and Cory Booker Use Judge Kavanaugh to Fundraise for 2020

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If you haven’t heard of the drama surrounding the Supreme Court nomination process for Judge Brett Kavanaugh, then you have been living under a rock. This past Thursday Judge Kanavaugh’s sexual assault accuser stepped forward and gave her testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee which was followed by Kavanaugh’s defense. Kamala Harris and Cory Booker, both Democrats, used this opportunity to start their 2020 campaign, along with other high profile left-wing politicians who are not on the board. 

A Supreme Court nomination process is not the time to grandstand for future political aspirations, but several Democrats have seized the moment as their own. 

Since President Trump got elected in 2016, the left has been in a chronic meltdown. Liberal politicians have promised to “resist” everything. They do not care if the economy is picking up, jobless claims are down, millions fewer are on welfare, more money is in the pockets of Americans, or ISIS is scattered and nearly eliminated. 

Now, Democratic Party prospective candidates are using the SCOTUS nomination process to launch their 2020 presidential campaigns. The Democratic Party is desperate to get power back from Republicans. Since the beginning of the judicial committee hearings, the left has been bloviating for news clips that can be used by their PACs.

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is the former attorney general. She questioned Kavanaugh like a prosecutor would a defendant on the stand of a trial because it looked good for fundraising. However, she was not able to trip up Trump’s nominee and subsequently failed. 

Booker is a former mayor of Newark, New Jersey, who admitted to molesting a female when he was the age of fifteen pompously questioned Kavanaugh. However, Booker’s political road is a bumpy one. While Booker was mayor, violent crime was elevated; however, when he vacated his mayoral position to be a United States senator, within a couple of years, Newark saw the lowest crime levels in 50 years. 

The Democrats of the Judiciary Committee have turned the nomination process into a political and personal witch hunt. Liberals are seeking to destroy a man’s life, and manufacturing stories to do so. The left’s goal is to stop Kavanaugh with lies or delay the nomination past the midterms in hopes of ending the process. Fewer things would look better on a television commercial for Harris or Booker than to stop Kavanaugh, and that is what the ultimate goal is for them. 

This week the committee voted on advancing the nomination. Both Harris and Booker refused to speak when asked about their vote. Later in the day, another vote was asked to move the nominee to the Senate floor for a final decision. Harris and Booker left and quickly ran to the nearest press area and found the closest camera to announce their bravado. 

All of the antics this week with voting and delaying are strategies. Some are for the sake of building a resume for the 2020 primaries. Harris and Booker abused the process for presidential ambitions. 

Republicans didn’t use the Merrick Garland to further their political desires. McConnell said that there would be no vote on a nominee selected by a lame duck president who only has nine months left before leaving office. This was politics, and it was not trashing a man personally for the sake of winning the nomination for president in hopes of securing the White House. 

Harris and Booker are auditioning for 2020. They do not care about Christine Ford. Their behavior is for their professional advancement. A SCOTUS nominee process is not the time to self-promote for a higher political seat.