Leftist Censorship Thrives on University Campuses in America

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In America today, there is perhaps no better example of the all-out assault leftists have launched against freedom of speech than on college campuses.

Leftists have progressively taken over American universities and, just as quickly, systematically eroded freedom of speech and engagement for the students. Not only are voices that leftist faculty members disagree with prevented from speaking, but voices espousing violent, anti-Semitic and radical Islamic rhetoric are welcomed in open arms.

One of the most active Islamic organizations on college campuses is the MSA—Muslim Students Association. They have nearly 600 chapters on college campuses in the United States and Canada, making them the most visible and influential Islamic student organization in North America. The MSA is mentioned in the Muslim Brotherhood memorandum for North America as one their front organizations to destroy America from within.

In May 2010, Jewish author David Horowitz was taking questions from an audience at UC San Diego when a female MSA student stood up to confront Horowitz about his views. When Horowitz asked the young woman if she supported the terrorist organization Hamas, she replied: “If I say something I’m sure that I will be arrested. For reasons of Homeland Security.”

In other words, of course she supported Hamas, but she didn’t want to be arrested or investigated on terrorism charges if she essentially admitted that she was a terrorist. But Horowitz pressed further. “I’m a Jew. The head of Hezbollah has said that he hopes that we will gather in Israel so he doesn’t have to hunt us down globally. For it or against it?”

After a pause, the Muslim student leaned into the microphone and with a cold, calculating voice stated, “For it.”

If that doesn’t send chills up your spine, nothing will. When a student can stand up and declare herself a supporter of Jewish genocide with absolutely no consequence and the terrorist-linked organization she’s a part of can still function openly on campus, we’re way past the tipping point.

Of course, adding to the absurdity of allowing terrorists and anti-Semites to openly flourish on campus, conservatives are shunned and accused of “hate speech.” In response to a scheduled appearance by Milo Yiannopoulos at leftist haven UC Berkeley, Antifa and their leftist comrades started a violent riot, smashing store windows, causing over $100,000 in damage and injuring innocent civilians.

Black-masked leftists threw large rocks, commercial fireworks and Molotov cocktails at police, in response to Milo setting foot on campus to say things they didn’t like. Over 1,500 angry leftists formed a mob and chanted, “No safe space for racists,” and “This is war,” but were strangely missing their pitchforks.

One innocent woman who is a Trump supporter was pepper-sprayed in the face while being interviewed on live television by an ABC affiliate. That’s strange, I thought the Left was supposed to be fighting for the rights of women.

Embarrassed by the national disgrace, administrators at Berkeley tried to play defense, while at the same time letting the violent mob know they support them in spirit.

“We condemn in the strongest possible terms the violence and unlawful behavior that was on display and deeply regret that those tactics will now overshadow the efforts to engage in legitimate and lawful protest against the performer’s presence and perspectives.”

See, it was all peaceful until 1,500 trouble makers showed up. They continued:

“While Yiannopoulos’ views, tactics and rhetoric are profoundly contrary to our own, we are bound by the Constitution, the law, our values and the campus’s Principles of Community to enable free expression across the full spectrum of opinion and perspective.”

There’s the continued attack on Yiannopoulos, an openly gay man, whose biggest crime was that he attempted to speak at a public university. When it comes to free speech, the aggressors are almost exclusively on the Left.

Remember, at multiple rallies then-candidate Trump spoke at during his presidential and primary campaign, countless interruptions of crazed leftists arose, as they screamed mindless babble at the top of their lungs to try to silence him. They knew that if the American people heard his message about putting America first and speaking truthfully about the threats of open borders he would win. So they tried desperately to silence him. But their plans failed, and President Trump won handily over Hillary Clinton.

How many times were Hillary Clinton’s speeches interrupted by conservatives during her campaign? Did she ever have Secret Service Agents rush the stage during one of her speeches after a crazed conservative tried to attack her, as a crazed leftist did President Trump?


Did she ever have an actual rally in a major city cancelled due to a violent domestic terror mob taking over the arena, as was done to President Trump in Chicago?


Hillary didn’t confront those issues for the same reason that an anti-Semitic terror sympathizer like Linda Sarsour can speak at CUNY, and a domestic terrorist like Kathy Boudin can teach a class at Columbia, because the Left has a monopoly on violent anti-free speech radicalism.

The reality is freedom of speech, the most fundamental pillar of our Constitution and Western civilization at large, is under attack by two relentless enemies: radical Islam and the radical Left. Both are working together to shut you up and prevent your children and grandchildren from exercising the same rights that every American since the nation’s founding have had the privilege of doing.

Unless Americans take hold of this increasingly dangerous threat, our ability to fight back with truth could be gone forever. We must not take this most crucial freedom for granted, for if we do, it’s only a matter of time before the enemy takes it away. We must make sure those who represent us in Washington understand that freedom of speech is an absolute right, and that we will not be silenced.