Obamacare Is a Scam. Where's the Special Prosecutor?

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So you may have heard the CBO came out last week with their new Obamacare report. They claim 22 million Americans might lose insurance coverage.

It's strange how they don't care that I already lost mine because of Obamacare. Millions of middle class Americans like me lost their policies because of Obamacare. Why wasn't that mentioned by the CBO?

It's strange how they didn't mention that almost every single middle class American that still has health insurance is paying triple or quadruple their old rates before Obamacare.

My policy went from $500 per month to $2000 per month because of Obamacare. And it covers almost nothing. The CBO forgot to mention that.

The CBO has forgotten that it was their original CBO report that predicted millions of middle class jobs would be lost because of Obamacare. Obama and Democrats ignored it. Why shouldn't the GOP ignore this one? 

The CBO never mentions that life is about tradeoffs. What if 22 million Americans lose insurance...but 100 million get much better and much more affordable insurance...and as a bonus, 5 to 10 million new middle class jobs are created. 

Wouldn't that be a positive?

And what if the 22 million Americans who the CBO claims might lose their insurance, don't really have insurance in the first place? They all have deductibles of $5000 to $10,000, so they can't use their coverage. So the Obamacare coverage they have right now is a mirage. Completely, utterly useless.

Yet none of that should be the main argument put forth by Republican leaders. To win this fight to pass the repeal of Obamacare, Republicans need to point out that...

Obamacare is a scam. It's an active crime scene.

Democrats committed the worst fraud in history in order to sell Obamacare. A massive crime was committed. President Trump needs to appoint a Special Prosecutor to start investigations and prosecute everyone involved. 

That’s the way to sell the repeal of Obamacare. So why doesn’t anyone in the GOP leadership point this out? 

They can't be this clueless, cowardly, blind, deaf or really really dumb. 

Can they?

But Republicans (as usual) are afraid they might offend someone. It might hurt someone’s feelings. It might be un-gentlemanly to bring a gun to a gun fight. The GOP has been losing every battle for decades with this weak, cowardly attitude.

Here’s the truth. 

We were all robbed and defrauded. Obamacare is the biggest fraud in world history. A Ponzi scheme worse than anything dreamed up by Bernie Madoff. It was sold through deception, misrepresentation and lies. Not to mention bribes like "the Cornhusker Kickback" and "the Louisiana Purchase." 

Let’s start with taxes. Obama sold Obamacare by promising it wasn't a tax. Then he had his lawyers argue in front of the Supreme Court that it was not a tax. 

So how do you explain the fact that the recent GOP Congress repeal of Obamacare eliminates...

The Obamacare Individual Mandate Tax, Obamacare Employer Mandate Tax, Obamacare Medicine Cabinet Tax, Obamacare Flexible Spending Account Tax, Obamacare Chronic Care Tax, Obamacare HSA Withdrawal Tax, Obamacare 10% Excise Tax, Obamacare Health Insurance Tax, Obamacare 3.8% Surtax, Obamacare Medical Device Tax, Obamacare Prescription Medicine Tax and the Obamacare Retiree Prescription Drug Coverage Tax.

That’s quite a list of taxes for something sold as “not a tax.” That’s called fraud. In the private sector if you lie like that…for a few million dollars…let alone a few hundred billion dollars like Obamacare…you go to jail.

Obama said, “I make a firm pledge. Under my plan no family making less than $250,000 per year will ever see a tax increase, not any of your taxes.” That statement is pure fraud. Obama should be sharing a prison cell with Bernie Madoff. 

But the biggest fraud isn’t even the theft of taxpayers. Obama sold Obamacare by saying “If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan.” Obama also said, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Lies. Fraud. Misrepresentation. Hundreds of videos are available online.

It’s a fact that at the moment Obama sold Obamacare by saying we could all keep our healthcare plans, internal White House documents reported over 90 million Americans would lose their plans. Obama knew he was lying.

It’s a fact that the architect of Obamacare Jonathan Gruber was caught on camera saying that Obamacare was sold through lies and misrepresentation, because that was the only way to fool "the dumb American people." His words. Again, it’s all on video online.

Obama promised premiums would drop $2,500 per family, per year. They have instead risen $4,865 per family, per year. That’s not fraud? What if a private sector businessman promised a product would cut your bills in half, then your bills doubled? Fraud. 20 years in prison.

Obama also promised Obamacare would lower the deficit and debt, both in the short and long term. Instead the debt expanded by $10 trillion. The deficit is exploding and will keep getting worse for years to come as the costs of Obamacare explode. Pure fraud.

So please tell me why this isn’t the argument for the repeal of Obamacare? It doesn’t matter how many people Democrats, the biased liberal media or the CBO claim it helps. It was sold through pure fraud. In the real world (outside of DC), if you commit fraud to "help people," you still go to jail, and everything you accomplished is nullified by the crime. 

Everyone involved in the deceptive sale of this trillion dollar scam and Ponzi scheme should be sent to prison for many years to come. Because they KNEW when they sold it, they were lying and committing fraud. They knew fraud was the only way they could sell it.

Obamacare is an active crime scene. It's a scam. The biggest scam in world history. That’s the argument Republican leaders should be making. 

Where's the Special Prosecutor?