Obamacare: Do You Amputate the Leg to Save the Patient?

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The unhinged, looney left is obsessed with blocking the potential repeal and replacement of Obamacare. They act as if everything is hunky dory. Why repeal something so wonderful? This is either delusional, denial or Bernie Madoff-like fraud.

Here's the real story.

If a 20-year old kid’s leg has advanced gangrene, do you spend millions of dollars in a crazy one-in-a-million attempt to save the leg? If so, you risk killing the patient. Or do you make the smart decision to amputate the leg to save the patient’s life? What’s more important- a leg, or the next 60 years of living a quality life?

The media has omitted the fact that Obamacare has been an Obama-nation for the American middle class. The vast majority of Americans have been badly damaged by Obamacare. They’ve lost their quality of life. Like me, their health insurance went from $500 per month to almost $2000. And this obscenely priced insurance now covers very few healthcare bills. So, when you factor in the bills not covered, our healthcare bills are actually more like six times higher because of Obamacare.

And that’s precisely why the economy is in freefall. The full 2016 GDP was a miserable 1.6%. But the first quarter 2017 GDP is now projected at 0.9%. Obamacare is strangling the nation, killing the economy, destroying middle class jobs.


Just let that number sink in for a minute. Trump or not, the economy is melting down. We are in reverse. Quicksand. Disaster looms if we don't act fast.

Obamacare is the gangrene.

The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) poured gas on the fire by claiming the repeal of Obamacare would possibly throw 24 million Americans off health insurance. They also happened to mention further down the story that repealing Obamacare would save our nation over $300 billion and reduce the cost of health insurance. But somehow the biased left wing media propaganda machine forgot to mention those two benefits.

But here’s the thing. First the CBO has been wrong about most every prediction they’ve ever made about Obamacare. They over-exaggerated how many Americans would sign up by over 10 million. That’s a miss the size of Texas.

More importantly, the media isn’t mentioning that none of those 24 million Americans who might lose Obamacare don’t actually have real health insurance in the first place. You see they have $3500 and $7000 deductibles (depending on the size of their family). Every bill is on them, until they meet the ridiculously high deductible. They also have separate prescription and X-Ray deductibles. They have no money for any of the bills. So, the Obamacare policy they supposedly have is worthless. It might as well be used for toilet paper.

By the way, even if they had a reasonable deductible, they still couldn’t use it. Because few doctors will take Medicaid patients. So, 24 million Obamacare patients now enlisted under Medicaid would never see a doctor. So, by any standard, Obamacare is worthless.

And no one in the biased mainstream media bothered to point out that the CBO didn’t say 24 million Americans would lose their Obamacare coverage. What the CBO said is they might CHOOSE to drop it for something better (like private health insurance).

Obamacare is Godzilla. We must kill it, or it will kill us. And to be blunt, my focus isn’t the 24 million that might be inconvenienced, it’s the entire dying American middle class. Save them, or we lose the economy. It’s time to focus on the whole patient. Either we lose the leg, or we die.

Killing Obamacare will not be pretty. It will not be easy. Neither is amputation. But it's our only choice if we want to save the patient.

I choose life. How about you?