I find it rather interesting, no hypocritical, that when it comes to what can only be described as a domestic Islamic terrorist/jihadist attack we are admonished to not rush to judgement or be impetuous. We are directed to never make any general statements and comparisons of Islam to terrorist activity, or be castigated as an Islamophobe. We are chastised as inciting Islamic jihadist recruitment if we refer to the enemy as they refer to themselves -- after all the best method to combat terrorism is with compassion, unity, and love. Our Republic’s system of justice is based upon the premise of “innocent until proven guilty.”
However, when it comes to our brave men and women of the thin blue line, our law enforcement officers, there is a different approach. In cases involving these souls whom we trust to keep us safe and secure every day, we have developed a different standard. Rushing to judgement is not just allowed, but it is encouraged. Remember the police in Cambridge Massachusetts were said to have “acted stupidly.” And such has brought us, over the past seven and a half years, to where we are today. But, let’s examine the tale of two cities, and the respective paths going forward for America.
Recently there have been two police involved shootings of black males, one in Tulsa, Oklahoma and the other in Charlotte, North Carolina. The former involved a white female officer and the latter a black officer. What is quite telling is the media and public responses in these cases.
In Tulsa, there was an investigation conducted based upon evidence, and the officer there has been charged with first degree manslaughter. Oddly enough, there were no riots and instances of mob violence. Interestingly enough, the rule of law and due process were allowed to happen. But, in Charlotte, there was again a false narrative created, which was proliferated by the media, resulting in the creation of the mob. Now, understand, I have no issue with Americans exercising their first amendment right to petition government for redress of grievances. But, in Charlotte, when the black police chief is telling the media and the public “these are the facts,” why is he not considered a legitimate entity?
We have come to find out that the individual shot in Charlotte was indeed armed. He was a seven year convicted felon who was not supposed to have a firearm. What is it about the incident in Charlotte that precluded the rule of law and process to be followed?
We can even go back to the two shooting incidents in Charleston, South Carolina and also examine this tale. The police officer who shot an unarmed black male several times in the back and was found to have planted a firearm. That officer sits in jail and, once charged. was held without bond. The white youth who shot the church-goers in Emanuel AME Church was tracked and apprehended by police. He will certainly get the death sentence, just as the white officer. But notice that in both of those instances there were no protests, no violence. As a matter of fact, we were all in awe at the human chain that formed in Charleston over the bridge -- seemingly a metaphor of the song, “Bridge over Troubled Waters.” In those two cases, the American system of justice occurred yet we did not hear much about that from the media.
Instead, we have another example with Ferguson, Missouri, where again, a media-driven false narrative was promulgated that inspired mob violence -- to the detriment of the community. No one wanted to believe the facts or the truth, even when validated by a very politicized U.S. Department of Justice who, needless to say, was entering the fray with a certain bias under the direction of Eric Holder. There was no “hands up don’t shoot” display. Funny, that motto continues to be a rallying cry, one born from a lie. And, we can include Baltimore and Milwaukee as cases where it was mob rule and violence that dominated the scene, not the respect for our system of justice, which should be afforded to everyone.
There is a certain tale being played out in the inner cities and urban centers across America. It is one not firmly rooted in fact but oft time in political and ideological agenda. In cases such as Ferguson and Charlotte, we find that many of the protestors that have been arrested are not from the local community. They have been bussed in for the very specific purpose of incitement. And, why in only certain places? Why not in Charleston, South Carolina, where the people specifically asked for that not to be the response? Why not in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where the victim was clearly unarmed?
Perhaps because these are two very red states and the need for mob activity will not meet the desired political result. Charlotte is in North Carolina, a key battleground state in the coming presidential election. Perhaps the calculation is to effect a groundswell in order to inspire electoral patronage and support. Why don’t we see the type of mass protests and street reaction in a place like Chicago which has suffered the types of shootings and deaths in the black community that rivals the combat zones of Iraq and Afghanistan? Without a doubt, that narrative and optic would not bode well for the city of the current president and future president, one under the mayoral direction of Obama’s first chief of staff.
We can choose two paths going forward America. Either respect and regard for the rule of law, law enforcement, and our system of justice or we can enable and allow a politicized and ideological agenda driven mob rule. I don’t exactly recall the latter being so prevalent until the last four years or so. Perhaps I am mistaken, but the evidence overwhelmingly says I am not.
This is a time for choosing what tale will be told of not just our inner cities, but of the path that America took.