Hold on to Your Wallet: The UN is Talking About Climate Change Again

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Pat Michael, from Cato, joined the show to discuss the environmentalist war on productivity. The UN is meeting about global warming; and as predicted they’re trying to use climate change as an excuse for redistributive taxes on wealthy nations.

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Show Prep:

Climate change? Pat Michaels, from Cato, joined the program to discuss the environmentalist’s war on productivity.

Powerful or Pitiful?

Big Three and Stocks in the News:

Other News:

Oh great. . . It turns out we can’t keep our insurance, our doctors, or our hospitals. . . Awesome. (Washington Post)

What a crazy idea: University of Colorado passes a rule protecting free speech. (Fox News)

Newest Political Correctness claim: Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are racist, because some people eat torta or pita. . . And, no, we’re not making this up. Stop being racist, and give up the PB and J’s. (The College Fix)

Over 130 countries walk out of the UN climate change meeting when the topic of conversation turned to wealth redistribution. Apparently “Rich” countries need to pay poor countries $100 billion per year. . . That will, apparently, help end global warming. (Daily Caller)

The Program in its entirety: