Happy Birthday to the Income Tax!

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

Daniel J Mitchell, from Cato, joined the show to discuss the anniversary of the personal income tax. Also, just like every Friday on Ransom Notes, John announces this week’s “Ezra Klein is an Idiot” moment.

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Show Prep:

Daniel J Mitchell, from Cato, joined the show to discuss the anniversary of the personal income tax.

Ezra Klein is an idiot! This week’s award goes to. . .

Big Three:

Number Three:

We’ve talked about this before: Energy is the key to a substantial economic recovery.

Number Two:

Well, as if the President didn’t already have a knack for going around Congress, the media has apparently decided to help out.

Number One:

Because of the shutdown, we don’t have any dubious government statistics to tell us how our economy is doing. So. . . I guess we’re going to have to guess. Which, really, isn’t that different from normal.

Other News:

I guess the people who wrote the “Affordable Care Act” where just unclear on the definition of “affordable.”

Oh. . . And you remember that whole “keep your doctor, keep your insurance” bit? Turns out not to be true for this guy with Leukemia.

WWII memorial: Wire and barricades to keep it closed. WWI memorial: A polite sign.

The Program in its entirety: