Welfare or work? Increasingly it is becoming clear that work is hard, boring, and not always as rewarding as getting a check in the mail from your Uncle Sam. Michael Tanner joined the program to discuss the perverse incentives found in America’s welfare programs.
A highlight from Michael Tanner’s white-paper on welfare vs. work: Welfare recipients in Hawaii get the most benefits than any other state, raking in the equivalent of $60,590 pre-tax income annually. That also means that Hawaiians on welfare earn roughly 167 percent of the median salary in the state, which is only $36,275. Ransom Note’s Producer, Michael Schaus, is now trying his hardest to get fired and shipped off to Hawaii. . .
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Show Prep:
Michael Tanner, from Cato, rejoins the program to discuss the perverse incentives found in America’s welfare schemes: