US Shariah Infiltrations (Part 3 of 3)

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Five years ago, Donald Van Duyn, then the deputy assistant director of the FBI's counterterrorism division, warned us: "Islamic radicalization ... (exists) nationwide. Key to the success of stopping the spread of radicalization is identifying patterns and trends in the early stages." Van Duyn was exactly right.

In Part 2, I showed five examples of Shariah infiltration in U.S. domestic violence, jurisprudence, commerce and government access and legislation. As you read these next five points of evidence in my top 10, ask yourself: Are there any "patterns and trends" emerging here, as well?

5) We should not be naive to foreign Islamic extremists' work within our country -- a vast network that the FBI has documented well. Just one example of a bubble that surfaced from that underground network occurred during the raid and seizure of secret documents at the Annandale, Va., house of one extremist leader, Ismail Selim Elbarasse. As documented in P. David Gaubatz and Paul Sperry's investigative expose, "Muslim Mafia," one letter found there was written by Mohammed Akram Adlouni, a Muslim Brotherhood boss. It described the plans for U.S. takeover and replacing the Constitution with Shariah. Under the heading "The role of the Muslim Brother in North America," it states: "The Ikhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within, and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by the hands of believers, so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions."

4) To win that internal war, extremists recruit not only adults but also youths within the U.S. The Muslim American Society, which the Chicago Tribune linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, is an example. Seven years ago, a Tribune report documented how "over the last 40 years, small groups of devout Muslim men have gathered in homes in U.S. cities to ... (address) their ultimate goal, one so controversial that it is a key reason they have operated in secrecy: to create Muslim states overseas and, they hope, someday in America as well." It went on to say that MAS "spending often is aimed at schools, teachers and children. ... The group has conducted teacher training programs, issued curriculum guides and established youth centers. ... Part of the Chicago chapter's Web site is devoted to teens. It includes reading materials that say Muslims have a duty to help form Islamic governments worldwide and should be prepared to take up arms to do so."

3) There's no mystery that radical Islamists use the freedoms in our Constitution to expand the influence of Shariah. However, another key for the Muslim Brotherhood in North America and other extremist groups to engage in their "grand jihad ... from within" is capitalizing on the proliferation of our politically correct culture, especially the fad of condemning the Christian right while condoning Islamic fundamentalism. Political correctness is the cultural petri dish in which Shariah is accepted and developed. In "Muslim Mafia," Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, explains it this way: The Muslim Brotherhood's "object is to establish, initially, a separate society for Muslims within that of their host nations in which non-Muslims are the majority. This is accomplished by insinuating preferential arrangements for Muslims -- religious accommodations, their own legal code and courts (that is, Shariah), territorial 'no-go' zones, and assorted political benefits. Initially, these seem modest and unthreatening. Separate rules governing dress codes. Accommodations in public spaces for the practice of a single religion. Latitude to deny service or handling of certain products in deference to religious sensibilities. Organized labor contracts that substitute Muslim holy days for Labor Day, etcetera."

2) From our counties to the corridors of Washington, our politically correct culture has ushered in a host of politically correct politicians and judges who are legislating and advocating pro-Islamic culture and practices. Last year, The New York Times even published a multi-page report titled "White House Quietly Courts Muslims in U.S." In Part 1, I mentioned President Barack Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, who advocated Shariah on a British television show. In February 2010, President Obama appointed Rashad Hussain to serve as his special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, an intergovernmental body of 56 Muslim countries. Where is the same treatment from this White House for any other religion?

1) There is no greater proponent of the partnership of America and Islam (and therefore Shariah) than President Obama himself. I'm not saying he is a Muslim, but he is a Muslim advocate and apologist. He said it himself. He declared his explicit mission in Cairo in June 2009 for the whole world to hear, vowing to establish "a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world. ... That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't. And I consider it part of my responsibility as president of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear." Have you ever heard a president talk about "partnership between America and Islam" and a presidential responsibility to "fight" for Islam? Or are we naive enough to believe that Obama's "fight" never will entail an advocacy for Shariah?