25 People, Places And Things Barack Obama Loves To Hate

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of Townhall.com.

25) Debate preparation, obviously.

24) Facts.

23) When he has to talk to Sasha and Malia about getting in trouble at school and his teleprompter is broken.

22) People who don't want to "spread (their) wealth around" to pay for Obama phones, Egyptian foreign aid, and free birth control for Sandra Fluke.

21) Chris Matthews for not being biased enough in his favor.

20) Women who have concerns that go beyond government-funded abortion and birth control, gay Americans who vote on issues other than gay marriage, Hispanic Americans who think illegal immigration isn't that big of an issue, and black Americans who choose which candidate to support based on something other than phony claims of racism.

19) Americans who want the campaign to be about jobs, the economy, and the deficit instead of Mitt Romney's taxes from 9 years ago, Ann Romney's horse, or whether or not Paul Ryan is a racist.

18) All the people who are complaining because on Barack Obama's watch, Red Bull has managed to put together a more effective manned space program than NASA.

17) Energy that doesn't come from his campaign contributors in the solar industry.

16) Americans who don't consider themselves greedy for wanting to keep more of the money that they earned instead of giving it to the government.

15) Troglodytes who are so culturally closed off that they consider eating a dog to gain its powers to be weird or gross.

14) People who get their news from sources other than Media Matters, MSNBC, and The New York Times.

13) Americans who cling to guns or Christianity instead of government.

12) Those crazy Tea Party radicals who expect the government to stick to the Constitution and live within its means.

11) Nancy Pelosi for putting him on mute and continuing to talk. Nobody, and I mean nobody, puts Barack Obama on hold while he's giving his 493rd "inspirational" talk about hope and change.

10) Small business owners who think they built their own businesses instead of giving the government credit for making them into successes.

9) Having to take time away from golf, basketball, vacations, and fund raisers to go in to work.

8) People who aren't green with envy because there are rich people who have more money than they do.

7) Americans who don't want to spend billions on corporate welfare for companies like General Motors, Chevrolet, Solyndra and PBS.

6) Judging by what happened in Libya, having adequate security for our embassies appears to be high up on the list.

5) Israel.

4) Budgets, apparently, since the Democrats haven't produced one since 2009.

3) Guns, well, at least the ones that aren't being given to Mexican cartels.

2) Questions like, "What kind of change and what do you actually mean by 'forward?'"

1) People who believe Presidents should be judged on their actual performance instead of on their promises.