Washington Needs Carl Wimmer

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If there is one thing we have learned from the Obama presidency, it’s that electing someone we barely know based on an ideal will end in certain disaster unless we fully analyze the candidate’s available record. The burden and responsibility falls on we the people to examine and scrutinize every candidate for federal office. The surest way to prevent politicians from raising our taxes, over regulating our markets, and corroding our moral foundation is to keep those with such proclivities as far away from elective office as possible.

And when a rare gem comes along, someone who has unfailingly fought his entire career for stronger families and freer markets, we need to band together and help him remain in public life and even advance his service to greater heights.

I have happened upon such a rare gem and I am thrilled to offer my support for his campaign for Congress. His name is Carl Wimmer and he is a true conservative running for Congress in Utah’s Fourth Congressional District.

It is one thing for Republicans to say they stand for conservative principles of family, fiscal restraint and security. Carl Wimmer embodies those principles.

Carl Wimmer served his community even before he entered elective office as a police officer. He led his S.W.A.T. team, testing both his skills as a leader and his dedication to putting his life on the line for the safety of others. Recognizing that a responsible generation of young people is paramount to ensuring this country remaining the greatest on Earth, Mr. Wimmer focused a good deal of attention on the youth in his community, frequently visiting schools to teach kids about the dangers of drugs through the D.A.R.E. program and encouraging drug-free lives.

Wimmer continued to lead by his conservative values during his time in the Utah state legislature. He sponsored, fought for, and passed the Jessica Lunsford Act, which increased the penalties for criminals convicted of child rape, and worked tirelessly to close anti-life loopholes in Utah’s abortion laws.

He applied his conservative principles to the state’s finances as well, reducing Utah families’ tax burden and never voting for a tax increase.

Most importantly, Carl Wimmer shows a strong and consistent dedication to, and respect for, the Constitution. He founded the Patrick Henry Caucus, an organization opposed to unconstitutional federal expansion. What’s more, Wimmer’s sponsorship of legislation that allowed Utah to sue the federal government over ObamaCare’s unconstitutional individual mandate is a clear sign he’s up to the challenge of confronting and dismantling big government.

These are some of the reasons why Carl Wimmer has been endorsed by Utah Sen. Mike Lee, the Club for Growth, Concerned Women for America, and many other conservative leaders and organizations. I am proud to add my name to the list.

Carl Wimmer to me is the clear choice to be the Republican nominee for Utah 4, but there is another candidate in the race. Mia Love, mayor of Saratoga Springs, has thrown her hat into the ring. While I personally respect Mayor Love, she simply is not the candidate that the people of Utah’s 4th District urgently need to represent them in Washington.

I urge you to compare the records of Carl Wimmer and Mia Love against the objectives of limiting government, lowering taxes and advancingliberty. And I believe that you'll agree with me that Carl is the better choice.

Washington is diseased and the only cure is more principled, proven conservative leaders in Congress to fight for the change we need. Carl Wimmer has consistently fought for our values – smaller government, freer markets, stronger families. We need people like Carl Wimmer in Washington.