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What the Democratic Party Has Become

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AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

A recent headline in “The Epoch Times”:  “Chicago to Give Illegal Immigrants up to $9,000 Each for Housing Costs.” Chicago is paying people to break the law.


This is what the Democratic Party in America has become.  

I guess Chicago did this.  The city is taking money away from hard-working, law-abiding, decent American citizens and giving it to people who should not be in the country.  People who are violating American laws, spitting in the face of our people, and mocking the United States.  They are criminals who are allowed to roam freely on our streets with no penalty, taking jobs from Americans, indeed, with money from honest people in their pockets, courtesy of the Democratic Party. 

But this is what the Democratic Party has become.  They hate America.  What other explanation is there for robbing their own law-abiding citizens and giving the money to criminals?

America will never be saved until the traitorous, totalitarian, America-loathing Democratic Party is totally crushed.  Sadly, that doesn’t appear imminent. 

What happened to the Democratic Party?  No, it hasn’t always been THIS bad.  How did it become so immoral, so anti-democratic, so hateful, so full of animosity towards the country that gives them their freedoms, their rights to spill their odious, repulsive bilge?  That is a difficult question to answer.  It didn’t happen overnight; few things in history do.  I might try to delve into the history of that very complicated conundrum in a future column, for future generations must recognize the signs to prevent it from happening again if there ARE any future generations of Americans. 


Regardless of how and why the Democrats have become the people they are, the fact is that the party is now what it is.  Let me describe it and then try to find solutions.

The Democratic Party is now, 

1. A party of immorality.  No sewer is so infested with stink that they are unwilling to crawl into it.  Even when they try to take the “moral high ground" and point to the sins of Donald Trump or the Republicans, they can only do so hypocritically because they are guilty of worse things.  Election denying?  Hillary Clinton and Stacy Abrams.  Classified documents in unauthorized locations?  Joe Biden’s garage (not to mention Hillary’s server.)  Lying?  Who lies more than Adam Schiff and Joe Biden?  Also, climate change and COVID vaccines and masks.  Concern for the American people?  The Democratic Party is the anti-police party of crime and illegal immigration and uses the Justice Department for its own political gain.   This is the party of abortion, child mutilation, drag queens, MAPs, transgender mutants, and every other vile sexual and decadent perversion that currently plagues humanity.  The Democratic Party is wallowing in immoral filth—and loves it.

2.  Fiscal irresponsibility.  Republicans are obviously guilty of this, as well.  But the Democrats’ profligacy has become legendary.  The headline at the beginning of this article:  giving thousands of dollars to people who shouldn’t even be in the country.  I haven’t seen the Republicans be guilty of that—yet.  Throwing countless billions of dollars into a useless war in Ukraine—though their Uniparty partners in the Republican Party (McConnell, Graham, Haley) are equally guilty.  Does anybody in Washington understand (care?) that the federal government is over $33 trillion in debt?   Does that mean nothing to those people?  They will have to take that money from the people they are supposed to represent—future generations as well—if that debt will ever be honorably paid.  Both parties are to blame here (what did Trump do about the debt when he was President?), but Democrats are more so because they are currently the majority party and should lead in fiscal responsibility.  But fiscal irresponsibility is another way to destroy America, the Democratic Party’s primary goal.


3.  Defending enemies, denouncing friends.  You can just tell that Joe Biden so severely wants to praise Hamas and condemn Israel.  It’s like pulling teeth to get him to admit the Hamas barbarians are guilty of hideous crimes.  Joe is in a quandary.  The majority of his party apparently supports Hamas, but the majority of Americans support Israel.  The Democrats hate America and our friends and would rather suck up to Hamas and China than our allies.  

It is almost unbelievable to true, patriotic Americans what the Democratic Party has become.  And, again, while such tragedies take time to mature, it has seemingly happened so rapidly.  This is certainly not the party of Harry Truman and John F. Kennedy—though neither is especially praiseworthy.  It is the party of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton—globalists who love and long for power, not just over Americans but over the whole world.  Adolf Hitler’s megalomania is meager compared to Obama, Hillary, and Bill Gates.

What can we do about it?  The first thing to do is keep our powder dry.  Yes, as so many patriotic Americans have insisted, we need to buy guns and ammo and stock up, just in case.  We pray, pray, pray that they will never have to be used except for hunting and sport, but every Leftist hellhole in history warns us that we had better be ready if worse comes to worst.  Freedom is worth fighting for.  Especially given the totalitarian alternatives we saw in the 20th century.


But first, let’s try to educate the massive numbers of Americans who are still ignorant of what the Democratic Party truly is.  It seems that most will not believe or listen (before it is too late) or that they accept this new immoral, anti-American party.  But we must get the message out.  Ronna and Mitch aren’t going to help at all so that it will take a grassroots effort—you and me.  

And let’s keep trying to elect the right people.  We still, for the moment, have a democratic republic.  Let’s try to save it—through democracy and republicanism.

Check my substack mklewis929.substack.com  for recent articles.  Listen to my latest podcast, “What Does Hitler Care, Right Now, What We Think of Him?”  Follow me on Twitter:   @thailandmkl.   Read my Western novels, Whitewater , River Bend,  Return to River Bend, and Allie’s Dilemma, all available on Amazon.  And God Bless America!

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