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Democrats in Total Panic Mode

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AP Photo/Alex Brandon

On Saturday, Democrats sent me 19 emails begging for money. All had a sense of urgency, and they featured various forms of panic. All the old tricks were used – “400% MATCH!” anyone? Most tried to convey confidence, but the subtext of all of them – especially after that debate – was dread. It may not last, but at least right now, Democrats are in meltdown mode.

It’s important to remember that the month, and the end of the quarter, were Sunday, not Saturday. That meant this whole fraud was repeated the following day. You really have to wonder who this works on for them to risk being seen as con artists like that. 

One email from the DNC opens, “In just a moment, we are going to ask you to make a donation to the Democratic National Committee. Please give us a chance to explain why this request -- especially today -- is so important.” Ready for it? Here comes the fear. 

They continue, “Here is the truth, and you deserve to know it: The Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee recently filed an FEC report showing they out-raised us by a significant amount of money last month...much of the money coming in the days after Trump's guilty verdict. With Trump's sentencing and the Republican convention shortly after, we expect their fundraising will only climb.”

This is them acknowledging their lawfare strategy has backfired – that what they saw as their greatest strength is a giant weakness.

They were certain they could nail Trump; they planned on running against any and all convictions and raising a fortune in the meantime. 

Nancy Pelosi’s sock puppet, Hakeem Jeffries, emailed, “we need a tremendous show of financial support unlike any I’ve ever seen to prove Democrats aren’t backing down. That’s why the DCCC set an ambitious goal -- 8,472 donations before midnight tonight -- to show everyone watching that we’re all-in to reclaim the House. Can I count on you to step up and rush $3 in these final 7 hours?” 

Only it wasn’t the “final 7 hours” of anything except a Saturday. The Federal Election Commission deadline was still 31 hours away. 

“House Democrats will always defend our democracy and never bend the knee to far-right extremists.  We will always put the Constitution over the Cult,” Hakeem continues. They love this avenue of attack – that voting for Trump is a cult. It makes them feel superior like they’ve managed to see through this cult leader conning everyone. 

In reality, Democrats are the original doomsday cult, swearing they and only they could hold off the destruction of everything from “our democracy” to literally the world with global warming.

“Then came the begging. “Now is the time to take advantage of our historic opportunity to kick extreme MAGA Republicans out of power once and for all.  Please, will you rush $3 -- or whatever you can chip in -- before the DCCC's critical end-of-quarter deadline so we can hit our goal and reclaim the House for Democrats?”

You almost feel humiliated for them.

They dusted off everyone to try to raise cash. Nancy Pelosi, James Carville, Jamie Raskin, candidates for state office and national office. They even brought back Martin Sheen. 

Yes, Martin Sheen was back. His pitch opened, “My name is Martin Sheen, though you may remember me as President Bartlet from The West Wing.   I'm reaching out because Election Day is fast approaching. Republican megadonors are spending millions to replace Democratic senators with their MAGA candidates. Control of the Senate and the future of democracy itself are on the line. Yes, it really is that serious.”

The funniest, and most pathetic part, of Sheen’s email is they couldn’t be bothered to change a single punctuation mark in his email from the previous 5 times they’d sent it. They sent the exact same email on March 31, April 14, April 30, May 14, and May 30. 

Do they think their donors are too stupid to remember? Are their donors too stupid to remember? That’s a real possibility, even a probability. 

As I write this on Sunday afternoon, they’ve already emailed 5 times, including using Chuck Schumer and Gavin Newsom’s names to get suckers to give. 

The good news was, if you missed your chance at magically quadrupling your money, it was back! The DCCC wrote, “We only have 11 hours until our End-of-Quarter Deadline expires -- and we’re still $139,011 short of our must-hit goal!  This is a history-defining moment -- and it demands a history-defining response from grassroots Democrats like you.  So before time runs out, we’re rushing to you with an urgent request straight from Democratic HQ: Can you chip in $3 to elect House Democrats and close our budget gap before it’s too late? Generous Democrats will even 400%-MATCH your contribution!”

The bad news was, if you were looking for a sense of decency, or even just a shred of dignity, from Democrats, you didn’t find it. 



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