The 101 messengers passed a resolution concerning "legalized, tax-supported abortion" in which they said Southern Baptists have a long history of supporting the sanctity of human life and that the health care reform bill being considered by the Senate "includes using tax revenues to promote and fund abortions."
Wyoming Baptists, in their resolution, encouraged other believers to "seriously consider the terrible impact" that government-funded abortion would have on the nation and resolved to "prayerfully prepare to actively respond, as God would desire and lead, to this national wanton disregard for innocent and defenseless human life."
Another resolution supported "A-Cross Wyoming," an evangelism campaign with a goal of reaching every home in the state with the Gospel message next spring and inviting people to attend Easter services.
The theme of the Nov. 12-13 meeting at College Heights Baptist Church in Casper was "Come and See," based on Psalm 66:5, 16.
Buddy Hanson, pastor of Mountain View Baptist Church in Mills, was elected president by acclamation, as were Max Janzen, pastor of Sunnyside Baptist Church in Cheyenne, as first vice president and Mike Cooper, pastor of College Heights Baptist Church in Casper, as elected second vice president.
Messengers approved an overall budget of $1,532,955 for 2010, a 1 percent decrease from the current year. The budget includes $584,068 in anticipated Cooperative Program giving from Wyoming churches, down from $607,024 in 2009. The convention will continue to forward 32.5 percent of CP receipts to national and international missions and ministries.
Next year's annual meeting will be Nov. 11-12 at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Rock Springs.
Based on reporting by the Wyoming Southern Baptist Convention staff.
Copyright (c) 2009 Southern Baptist Convention, Baptist Press
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