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Chip Roy Proposes Bill To Defund the WHO Amid Concerns Over China’s Involvement

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Now that Republicans have control of the House, they are making room to bring down China’s influence on the U.S. once and for all. 

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) reintroduced legislation that would defund the World Health Organization (WHO) amid concerns over China’s involvement with the group. 


Titled, “No Taxpayer Funding for the World Health Organization (WHO) Act, the bill vows to no longer let the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) gain control of Americans' hard-working money. 

“Funneling millions of taxpayer dollars to the corrupt World Health Organization that serves the Chinese Communist Party is a slap in the face to hardworking American families struggling under record high inflation, and to all those whose lives and livelihoods were ruined and destroyed by the COVID pandemic,” Roy said in a statement. 

Roy is accusing the WHO of taking sides with the CCP, after growing speculation surfaces that the group helped Beijing cover up the origins of Covid-19. 

In 2020, former President Trump planned to put an end to the WHO’s funding, calling out the group for “severely mismanaging and covering up” Covid-19. 

Meanwhile, soon after President Joe Biden took office, he wrote a letter to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres saying that the U.S. no longer wanted to withdraw its membership. 

At the same time, Biden’s chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci said that the U.S. would continue supporting The WHO. 


The U.S. was the third largest donor of the WHO from 2020-2021, investing nearly $700 million in the group.

During the height of the pandemic, Roy introduced the bill, however, with Democrats in control of the House, it stood no chance. 

Now that Republicans are in control, the lawmaker’s bill may hold up. 

“The WHO not only regularly promotes abortion and radical gender ideology but also praised China for their ‘leadership’ at the beginning of COVID-19 and has done nothing to hold the CCP accountable for the spread of COVID-19,” Roy told the Daily Wire. “It is far past time for Congress to use its power of the purse to cut off US funding to this corrupt international body just like the Trump Administration did.”


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