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What Caused Joe Scarborough to Absolutely Lose It Today

AP Photo/Steven Senne, File

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough had a tough morning. Iran launched an unprecedented attack on Israel from its soil over the weekend, hurling drones and ballistic missiles at the Jewish state, humiliating Biden, who warned Tehran with a simple word: “Don’t.” He then proceeded to go on vacation, knowing that our only democratic ally in the Middle East was about to be attacked. The inflation numbers remain high; this entire presidency has been shipwrecked by incompetence, arrogance, and, yes, Joe’s decrepit state. 


Scarborough can’t stand the fact that most Americans aren’t buying into the Biden agenda. The Democratic National Committee talking points aren’t resonating because anyone who’s playing with a full deck knows things are not kosher in America. Still, the MSNBC host and former Republican congressman went on a tirade, screaming that Republicans hate America and that they want a dictatorship or something. He listed all the areas where America is supposedly killing it, leaving out the commercial real estate bubble, which threatens to pull the rug from under us economically. If you don’t buy his word on how things are in America, you don’t know history or read, according to Mr. Scarborough: 

Right, and liberals have always had a firm grasp of history, says no one ever. Is that why we were subjected to mind-numbingly stupid commentaries about how the concept of our rights coming from God is a tenet of Christian nationalism? Or how we never apologized for the war crime of nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki, despite Japan committing an array of actual war crimes, including the raping and butchering of civilians and allied POWs, and never acknowledging these atrocities—ever—in their education system.


Scarborough’s meltdown is a combination of Trump derangement syndrome and the feeling of helplessness as Americans can and do ignore the liberal media’s never-ending river of lies. Election Day is far off, and in three years, all the chaos liberals thought Trump would usher has occurred under Biden’s watch, and the average voter knows Old Joe can’t hack it.  

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