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Sigh: Time for Yet Another Biden Lie About His Biography

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Didn't we just publish a post like this one the other day?  Indeed we did.  Following the bridge disaster in Baltimore, President Biden claimed that he'd crossed that structure many times on the train, which he most certainly had not.  But as we wrote, Biden's intense need to make events about himself, and to try to ingratiate himself with any given audience, borders on pathological.  And if achieving those emotionally-satisfying ends requires inventing a false memory, re-telling a debunked tale, or leaning into some form of cringeworthy pandering, by God, he'll do it.  It's breathtakingly shameless.

That's how we end up with wince-inducing montages like this:

Out: Diversity is our strength. In: Diversity is Joe Biden.  On the president's trip to Wisconsin this week, he touted his student loan debt "forgiveness" transfer scheme, which is illegal, terribly economic policy, and profoundly unfair to a massive majority of Americans, for reasons we explained.  While in the Badger State, Biden did what he so often does.  Another 'relatability' anecdote, another easily disprovable lie:

It's quintessential Joe Biden to give public speeches bragging about being the first member of your family to go to college -- and to give other public speeches bragging about your grandfather's exploits in college.  Lest anyone chalk this up to the president's age and diminished mental sharpness, please recall that Biden was caught in the exact same lie in the 1980's, when he not only plagiarized a British politician's speech (and separately, in law school), but also appropriated politically-appealing elements of said politician's life story.  Labour Party leader Neil Kinnock was the first person in his family to go to college, and while in the process of stealing Kinnock's words, Biden evidently decided it would be fun to steal that biographical detail, too.  He got busted for plagiarism, and got busted on the college claim:

Has this man ever told a fully authentic story, especially in regard to his own education?  It's fair to wonder:

I'm not sure if fables and embellishments will be a deal-breaker for Biden with voters.  After all, voters have kept electing him to various offices for 50 years, in spite of all of this well-documented buffoonery.  But buffoonery, plus senility, plus outcomes like this could finally be politically lethal for ole' Joe:

"Above economists' expectations." 



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