
Acting Like a Victim Not Really Working For Sandra Fluke Anymore

Sandra Fluke, the infamous former Georgetown law student who begged for free birth control in front of Congress, "rallied" a crowd of just 40 people on the University of Florida campus yesterday.

Women’s rights activist Sandra Fluke made an appearance on Turlington Plaza on Wednesday to encourage students to utilize early voting for next week’s presidential election.

Fluke stopped at UF as part of her “It’s On You” Youth Early Vote Campus Outreach tour.

About 40 students gathered by the potato statue to listen.

I'm not even going get into why they chose to name Fluke's campus outreach tour "it's on you" but it's clear Fluke's 15 minutes are over. There is only so long you can stay legitimate based on demanding people pay for your sex life and by complaining about Rush Limbaugh calling you a s*ut. Not to mention, her "rally" crowd really is an indicator of just how unenthused youth voters are this time around. If there's one place liberals should be able to get young liberals whipped into a frenzy, it's on a college campus (not to mention, college professors are always talking about how much they hate Rush Limbaugh) and that clearly didn't happen here.