
Gingrich Campaign Chair in Puerto Rico Wishes Gingrich Had Visited

Hindsight is 20/20, and that's what one Gingrich campaigner is feeling right now, according to Buzfeed:

"As polls closed across the island Sunday afternoon, Newt Gingrich's campaign chair here expressed regret that his candidate never visited Puerto Rico.

"I think if he had been in Puerto Rico, [the race] would have been a lot closer," lamented John Regis, who helmed the candidate's meager operation here and runs the island's popular Hot Potato fast food chain.

Gingrich skipped the territory despite having set himself apart from the rest of the GOP field for his Latino-friendly tone and relatively moderate views on immigration. In Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory whose native residents are natural-born American citizens, immigration isn't a top concern. But generally, Regis said, "Hispanics feel like brothers, and anything that's done for Hispanics in the states is received well here, and visa versa."