
Black Velvet if You Link

Obama avoiding black neighborhoods on the trail. According to reports from N.C., he's also avoiding the largely white, blue-collar mountains of the state. Exactly to whom is he talking?

The headline on this should be: "National daytime talk show host's political judgment better than Obama's by about 15 years."

Frank Rich performs great contortions in order to blame McCain for the fact that our national conversation on race isn't as candid as it could be. Seriously.

Hillary has more balls than you.

Confirmed: Democrats actually have no idea what guns even look like.

Fiorina for VP?

Bill Clinton's still got it! Take that, Obama!

NYT Ombudsman: "Yeah, we forgot to actually quote Jeremiah Wright too much., Our bad."

This weekend in superdelegates.

Strange new respect all over the place.

PBS Ombudsman: "Yeah, we could have been a little harder on Wright in that Moyers interview. Our bad."