
Vice President: Susana Martinez?

For our May issue, the Townhall editorial team compiled a list of the hottest vice presidential contenders out there and made the case for their selection. We had a a few criteria when crafting the list: a statesman (or woman!) who has led on conservative policy, is politically viable, inherently marketable and appeals to America’s imagination.

Here's one of the top eight candidates and four honorable mentions that made the cut. Agree or disagree? Read the full article, and then voice your opinion in our veepstakes poll!


From Townhall Magazine's EXCLUSIVE May feature, "Who Will Win the Veepstakes?":

Susana Martinez: Why should the GOP nominee choose New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez as a running mate? For starters, there are voter demographics: She is the first Latina to ever be elected governor in the United States. In the past few election cycles, the Republican ticket has struggled to garner both the Hispanic and women’s vote. Martinez would appeal to those voters in addition to the conservative base and independents, and her nomination would throw the race card out the window. Plus, Martinez is an avid supporter of the Second Amendment—she even recently received a 100 percent score on her concealed carry permit renewal.

Although Martinez holds the same principles most conservatives do—limited government, protection of life, hard work, lower taxes and more—she has her own unique American story. As a teenager and throughout college, she worked at her father’s small security company as a security guard. As small business owners, the Martinez family began to understand the value of entrepreneurs investing more of their money in their business for growth rather than giving it to the government.”

Moving into public life, Martinez worked as a prosecutor and district attorney for years and managed the second-largest district attorney office in the state. After being elected governor in 2008, Martinez took her experience in the private sector and applied it to public policy. She reduced taxes on the construction and manufacturing industries in an effort to encourage hiring and create a friendly business environment.

As a border state governor, her signature battle has been on the topic of illegal immigration. Martinez has been fighting to overturn a New Mexico law that allows illegal immigrants to obtain a drivers license. Martinez firmly believes allowing people to enter the country illegally puts the safety of the American public at risk.

But despite these and other qualifications, Martinez confirms to Townhall that she would turn down a ticket offer from the GOP nominee. ...

Read Martinez' full statement in the May isssue of Townhall Magazine.

Order Townhall Magazine today to read the full report in the May issue.