
Axelrod Suggests Romney Is 'Living on Different Planet'

Is it just me, or does it seem a little odd to say Mitt Romney is 'living on a different planet' when the candidate you're campaigning for just said the private sector was doing fine--a comment so out there that he actually had to walk it back?

Apparently, David Axelrod didn't think so. Says ABC News' George Stephanopoulos:

This morning on “This Week,” David Axelrod told me that Mitt Romney is “living on a different planet” when it comes to the economy. Axelrod was responding to my question about the presumptive GOP presidential candidate’s attacks on the president after Obama’s comment Friday that the private sector is doing “fine.”

“He’s living on a different planet,” said Axelrod, a senior adviser to the Obama campaign, as he brushed off Romney’s attacks on Obama.

“I think the American people are smarter than that,” he said. “What was most interesting is how he (Romney)  reacted to the spirit of the thing because his statement was ‘we don’t need any more teachers. We don’t need any more firefighters or police.’”

Not sure 'living on a different planet' is the best way to spin that one, Mr. Axelrod, when your candidate is dining with George Clooney.  I guess it shows at least someone trusts Obama over Mitt Romney on the economy; voters certainly don't.