
Rand Paul 2016?

Yes I know we are all thinking, "2016 already?" But yes, 2016 already. Senator Rand Paul is interested in a run for the White House when President Obama makes his exit in four years.

Rand Paul, a pro-life member of the U.S. Senate from Kentucky who is the son of former presidential candidate Ron Paul, says he is potentially interested in seeking the Republican nomination in 2016.

“That’s classified,” Paul told ABC’s Jonathan Karl when asked if he intended to run. “Am I interested and thinking about that? Yes.”

“I’m not going to deny that I’m interested,” Paul told ABC News, adding that he was not ready to make a decision now. “I am different than some in that I’m not going to deny that I’m interested. I’m not going to deny that I think we have to go a different direction because we’re not winning.”

Is he a good candidate? I say yes. He's already proven he can take on the nanny state and has combatted over regulation in Congress, but the most important reason? He could finally be the candidate who brings Ron Paul voters to the polling place for republicans.