
Add One More to the Republican Tally: Etheridge Expected to Concede to Ellmers in NC

This was one of the few races still lagging on... Democratic Rep. Bobby Etheridge is expected to concede to Republican Renee Ellmers in North Carolina's second district after the total vote difference amounted to less than 1,500 votes. Etheridge was going to insist on a recount, but analysts from both sides of the aisle said the circumstances were unlikely to change even if that happened. Etheridge is now expected to release a statement at 3pm announcing his concession.

Etheridge came under serious fire after a video showed him physically harassing a young reporter. Ellmers had run an offbeat campaign since the start of the race and enjoyed a significant boost after the altercation:

The video is closing in on 3 million views...

Meanwhile, 5 house races are still undecided.