
Endorsement Watch

Although everyone has been understandably transfixed with Obama's inauguration, there is an important election still underway: the race for RNC Chair.

I got word from Team Anuzis that Saul racked up a big endorsement today from New Hampshire powerhouse and National Committeewoman Phyllis Woods.

Woods is a strong conservative, a 2003 "Eagle Forum Award" winner from Phyliss Schlafly to boot, whose endorsement was surely courted by several of the candidates.

Anuzis was the one who got it in the end.

"I believe Saul Anuzis stands out as the kind of 'boots on the ground', easily accessible, and responsive leader we need to get our party back on track," she wrote in her endorsement letter. "His ideology is most closely aligned with my own on core Republican values and social issues, and like me, he’s an indefatigable optimist. He has the unique ability to bring our social and economic conservatives together. As a movement conservative and someone who has long been an activist in conservative causes, he has the credibility and relationships to bridge the gap as we work to regain our majority by appealing to Reagan Democrats and independents alike. As someone said, Saul is a 'full spectrum conservative.'"