
Ahead of U.N. Meeting, Obama Touts Success in....Libya?

Ahead of the U.N. General Assembly meeting on Thursday in New York City, President Obama is touting "international success," in Libya.

President Barack Obama will seek to boost Libya's transitional leadership Tuesday and highlight the early success of the international community's efforts to end Moammar Gadhafi's rule as he opens two days of meetings at the United Nations.

The president will meet one-on-one Tuesday morning with Mustafa Abdel Jalil, the chairman of Libya's National Transitional Council. He'll then join other heads of state at a larger meeting on Libya, where the NTC is expected to outline its plans for setting up a new government after four decades of Gadhafi rule.

"We think it's most important to get it right rather than to get it done fast," White House deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes said. "The TNC has made very positive statements about wanting to pursue an inclusive transition, about wanting to broaden the nature of the government to include some additional elements of the opposition that were based in different parts of the country."

First, we were told Libya would last for days, not weeks, yet it has lasted for months now. The rebels, who the U.S. has been supporting in Libya, have links to terrorist organizations and the Muslim Brotherhood. I hardly call that a success.