
Team Obama Losing Love for DWS?

Say it isn't so, DWS is the least effective person on the Obama reelection team? According to a new e-book by POLITICO's Glenn Thrush, that's exactly right and DWS isn't delivering the Chicago style results that are needed to get President Obama a second term in the White House.

Obama’s brain trust secretly commissioned pollster David Binder to conduct an internal focus study of the popularity of top Obama campaign surrogates. Number one was former press secretary Robert Gibbs, followed by Cutter. Traveling press secretary Jen Psaki, who was added to a second study, was third. Axelrod, Plouffe and current White House press secretary Jay Carney were bunched in the middle. Wasserman Schultz ranked at the bottom.

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President Obama’s Chicago team is not thrilled with Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, according to a new ebook from Politico’s Glenn Thrush. He writes that the Florida House member “grated on Chicago” from the start and Obama aides thought she “struck too harsh a partisan tone” on Sunday shows. The campaign stopped scheduling her for so many TV appearances, and when she asked why, Obama staffers showed her a focus group study on Obama surrogates’ effectiveness. She ranked last.