
Palin Message to Anti-Hunting Crowd

Critics of Sarah Palin and anti-hunting groups are calling tonight's episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska controversial.

Palin responded to these claims on her Facebook page:

Tonight's hunting episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska "controversial"?
Really? Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather couch
eaten a piece of meat, save your condemnation of tonight's episode. I
remain proudly intolerant of anti-hunting hypocrisy. :)
As a hunter myself, I couldn't agree more. When I was 11-years-old, I shot my first deer and ended up on the front page of the outdoor section in my local newspaper. The photo my father submitted to the paper was of me proudly sitting next to the deer, holding my rifle and smiling for the camera. After the story was published, the anti-hunting letters to the editor started pouring in, one lady wrote that she was horrified to find out I had killed the deer and had originally thought the photo was of a young girl sitting with her pet.