
Debating Tonight's YouTube Debate

Wilshire & Washington:

Following CNN and You Tube's presidential debate on Monday night, the Democratic field will either come away (a) feeling like guinea pigs, or (b) inspired by the thought and concern with which the American public has participated in this latest innovation in democracy.
I, for one, am ambivalent; On one hand, I think that it is unlikey tonight's debate will live up to the hype. (Hey, they've got to work the kinks out). And the fact that CNN is involved seems to detract a bit from the coolness factor...

On the other hand, I think this is a chance for some good questions to be asked from regular citizens who would never attend a debate, in person. I also think this is just the beginning of an emerging trend which will (hopefully) empower average Americans to become more involved in the process ...

Update: 12:33 - Rush says this is nothing more than Rock The Vote. In other words, he thinks a YouTube debate is nothing more than an attempt to get young people (presumably Democrat voters) to vote ...