
LIVE OPEN THREAD: The Final Debate

Round three: Barack Obama v. Mitt Romney.  Tonight, non-stop foreign policy for 90 minutes.  Enough to hold American voters' attention, even in a economy-focused election year?  And in direct competition with Monday Night Football and game seven of the NLCS?  We shall see, but my suspicion is that tonight can only be a game-changer if one of two things happens: (1) Romney soundly defeats Obama -- which could prove a fatal blow to the president's re-election prospects -- or (2) Romney gaffes royally, raising questions about his suitability to be Commander-in-Chief.  The Republican nominee needs to show himself to be an informed, calm, serious contender on foreign affairs on national security.  Romney does not need a clear win; in this format, on this topic, a tie goes to the challenger.  Plus, the bar he needs to clear may not be quite as high as we once thought.  The incumbent, on the other hand, is grappling for a "reset" button.  Can he find one tonight?  Watch the debate unfold below, follow our editorial team's live reaction in the Twitter widget, and add your two cents (or more) in the comments section: