
Senate Democrat: We Can Save the Postal Service with Wind Farms!

On Tuesday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar accused Republicans of living in a "fairy tale world" when it comes to energy policy -- but, people in glass houses really shouldn't throw stones. There's at least one Congressional Democrat convinced that the Postal Service "needs to be thinking boldly" about its self-preservation by storing collected energy from offshore windfarms in its fleet of vehicles' batteries... er, or something? Is Sen. Tom Carper's (D-DE) argument even logical?

Hat tip to the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee -- they've been having a bit of tongue-in-cheek fun tweeting about some of the Democrats' outrageously nonsensical reasoning against their proposed USPS reform, including this little gem from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It's like the "cowboy poetry"-argument all over again. Oof: