
Must-See Video: Romney Unleashes Devastating Campaign Ad

It looks like the Romney camp is taking a page out of the RNC playbook and unleashing a series of campaign ads against the incumbent president. That being said, to fully comprehend the impact of this particularly devastating clip, a little context is in order.

At the Democratic National Convention in 2008, then-Senator Obama asserted confidently that Democrats – unlike Republicans – “measure progress by how many people can find a job that pays the mortgage.” Fair enough. Four years later, however, millions of Americans are out of work and suffering in the Obama economy. Incredibly, the president’s re-election campaign – for some inexplicable reason – decided it was a wise decision to host the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, a city with 10 percent unemployment. Even worse, perhaps, the state has lost at least 50,000 jobs since the president took office in 2009. Good call, guys. As expected, Team Romney is using these unpalatable statistics to underscore the administration’s failed economic policies and utter cluelessness. Overall – I think – it's a very effective advertisement. Take a look:

(H/T Ed Morrissey):