
Campaign Kickoff in Southern Arizona

Progressive, open-border advocate Rep. Raul Grijalva from Arizona's 7th Congressional District, is already facing a tough re-election campaign.

Today, Conservative Gabriela Saucedo Mercer is officially launching her campaign to run against Grijalva for the seat in 2012.

Gabriela Saucedo Mercer lives on Tucson’s west side with her husband of 24 years, Ted Mercer. Gabriela, “Gabby” for short, set aside her work career with a defense electronics firm in order to raise her 3 children and continue her education. As the kids were growing up Gabriela became more and more concerned about the direction that her adopted country had taken in recent years. She legally emigrated to the U.S. from Mexico in 1986 in order to live in a nation full of opportunity and Constitutional protections of individual liberties. She became a proud U.S. citizen in 1991.

Gabriela realizes that this country must adjust its current course and become more fiscally responsible while also freeing up businesses and individuals so that they can again grow the economy and regain America’s strong economic position in the world. The incumbent Congressman of 8 years, Ra?l Grijalva, has consistently voted against the interests of businesses and families in the district. Gabriela Saucedo Mercer is running for Congress as a Republican in Arizona’s District 7 because it is time for a representative who will listen to the people and do what is best for Southern Arizona.

The match up between Mercer and Grijalva is likely to get very interesting considering the two are complete opposites when it comes to policy from border issues to taxes. Grijalva famously called for the boycott of his own state after Gov. Jan Brewer signed SB 1070 into law, saying it was racist, and narrowly escaped defeat in the 2010 midterm elections when he was challenged by rocket-scientist Ruth McClung.

Grijalva pulled the race card every chance he had during the his previous election battle, but won't be able to do that anymore considering Mercer is a legal immigrant from Mexico who supports strong border security. Maybe he will say she isn't a real Latina instead.