
The GOP: Less Government, More Jobs

Finally: Lawmakers who understand that it is absolutely not the federal government's task to create jobs. Rather, it is the federal government's task to get out of the way and allow Americans to create their own jobs. While economic growth and employment have been on the House Republicans' agenda all along, they have been honing in on job creation this week to raise awareness of their efforts. Instead of elaborate ploys to raise employment by expanding the bureaucracy and heavily subsidizing 'green' industries that cannot pay for themselves, the GOP is proposing all the right stuff: grow the economy by cutting federal spending, lowering taxes, easing regulations, and opening up more free trade. Nancy Pelosi called the plan "warmed-over stew" and, while it may be true that the GOP leadership is trying to look productive in combating Democrats' budgetary inaction and keeping its Pledge to America, it's still pretty cool that these ideas are on the table. Making moves:

House Republicans unveiled a blueprint Thursday to create jobs that calls for easing government regulations on business that they say prevent the hiring of workers and handcuff the economy.

A key provision is a 25 percent cap on the federal tax rate for businesses and individuals. The current top corporate tax rate is 35 percent, while the rate fluctuates for individuals.

The plan also calls for a congressional review and approval of all government regulations that have a “significant impact on the economy or burden small businesses.”

“Helping Americans get back to work is our No. 1 priority,” said House Speaker, John Boehner, Ohio Republican...

“We said we were going to adopt a two-prong approach,” [Eric Cantor] said. “The first was to get the [congressional] fiscal house in order.”

The House GOP plan calls for Congress to pass long-stalled free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea, which House Republicans say would create 25,000 jobs.

The plan also would reform the tax code for U.S. companies doing business overseas, modernize the nation’s patent system and encourage “all forms” of domestic energy production.

Here is the plan that the Republicans unveiled yesterday, and, for good measure, a message from Eric Cantor: