
A Second Opinion

Back when the stimulus package was being debated, I was a vocal critic. I penned an op-ed for the Orange County Register, I blogged on it, and I took to the airwaves to discuss potential areas for improvement and why the package wouldn’t provide the impetus for growth as it was being advertized.

Well, while President Obama, and his Capitol Hill cohorts tout the many successes of this so-called stimulus, Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK), a doctor by trade, has issued a second opinion on the matter.

His report provides a look at 100 examples of questionable stimulus projects worth $5.5 billion. Senator Coburn is quick to say that his second opinion is designed to educate taxpayers, policymakers, and the media, on how to prevent these missteps moving forward. The real question is, will the lesson be learned?

Over the next few days I will highlight some of my favorite examples in Sen. Coburn’s report, so stay tuned.