
NRSC Goes All In for Fiorina

National Republicans are apparently just as dismissive of the latest LA Times poll in California's Senate race as Team Carly is.  The NRSC has announced it will pour another $3 Million into the race for a final ad buy, ballooning its total commitment against Barbara Boxer to $8 Million:

The National Republican Senatorial Committee is dropping a massive $3 million TV ad buy in California this week, committee sources tell Hotline On Call.

With this ad buy, the NRSC's will have spent nearly $8 million in support of former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina's (R) campaign. The spending is also a sure sign that the NRSC believes it has a good shot of knocking off Boxer.

Babs isn't taking this news lying down, however:

Not to be outdone, the Boxer campaign is launching an even larger $4 million dollar ad buy this week, according to campaign sources. The buy should virtually blanket the state's airwaves.

"We are on the air in ten media markets including Spanish language stations," said Rose Kapolczynski, Boxer's campaign manager.

Rasmussen's latest poll pegs the race as a dead heat.  Here's Carly Fiorina's latest campaign ad, hitting Senator M'am: