
ACORN Gets a Pass

I wish I could be surprised that the report on ACORN requested by Democratic Reps. Barney Frank and John Conyers of the Congressional Research Service is a mere gloss over of the tainted group. Matthew Vadum, at, reports on the recently published CRS Report calling it “an incompetent whitewash” and saying:

“apparently Congressional Research Service employees are as good at research as ACORN employees are at registering voters.”

In a press release issued by Frank and Conyers, they cite a finding by CRS of:

“no instances of individuals who were allegedly registered to vote improperly by ACORN or its employees and who were reported ‘attempting to vote at the polls.’”

We know this is not the case.

Registered in two counties by ACORN, Claudel Gilbert of Reynoldsburg, Ohio pleaded guilty to voting in a county in which he did not live, and voting twice; both felonies.

Unfortunately, this is not the lone example.

Vadum cites the instance of Darnell Nash who was registered to vote nine times by ACORN.

For a group who has received so many federal dollars over the years, more complete research should have been done. Instead of doing real leg work, CRS researchers plugged some terms into a computer program to result in news articles regarding ACORN.

I certainly wish the next review of ACORN, expected to be released by the Government Accountability Office, will provide more information about the actual actions of ACORN. Maybe one government organization will be serious about cracking down on the corruption which abounds in the group.