
Alvin Greene Wants to Run for President. You Can Help Him Get There.

Alvin Greene called the South Carolina Democratic Party and asked how much a Presidential bid would cost him.

According to Politico, Greene is seriously considering a run for President. The main thing holding him back, it seems, is the cost of the filing fee, which was $2,500 in 2008.

I'd like to start up a collection to help Alvin Greene run. Donations can be made out to me at:
1901 N. Moore St., Suite 701
Arlington, VA 22209
Think about it. Greene lost to incumbent Sen. Jim DeMint by forty-three points last week. That means that a full 21% of South Carolina voters actually pulled the lever for him, despite the fact that he's facing felony pornography charges, and is only a free man because he posted bond. If Greene can't run for president, that's about 25,000,000 Americans who will be deprived of their ability to vote for Greene because Townhall readers didn't step up to the plate and make it possible.

That would not only be a tragedy for our great democracy, but a tragedy for a greater cause of national entertainment that is only presents itself once in a very long while.