
House Passes PelosiCare

The Dems have passed their comprehensive health care reform through the House of Representatives tonight by a 220-215 margin.  ONE Republican--Rep. Joseph Cao of Louisiana--joined 219 Democrats in voting IN FAVOR of the bill, basically signing his own resignation to take effect in the 2010 elections.

Meanwhile, 39 Democrats joined the GOP in OPPOSING the measure.  Click here to see how your Rep. voted in the final passage of H.R. 3962.

Earlier tonight, the House passed (240-194) an amendment proposed by Dem. Bart Stupak of Michigan that will deny federal funding for abortions.  Click here to see how your Rep. voted on the Stupak amendment.

The House also voted down the GOP's alternative health care proposal, 176-258.  Oddly enough, Rep. Cao voted in favor of both the Democrats' and Republicans' proposals today.  Rep. Timothy Johnson (R-Ill.) was the lone GOP member to vote against the measure.