
Time For a Soros-Turner-Buffet Funded March

Is it time for a march on Washington, funded by George Soros, Ted Turner and Warren Buffett? One professor seems to think so. Dr. Richard Striner, a history professor at Washington College writes:

Recent polls reveal that Americans are decisively more concerned about the crisis of unemployment than the issue of our national debt. But as many commentators have observed in recent weeks, the results of the midterm elections, with Republicans gaining control of the House, and the associated rise of the tea party have pushed an agenda of austerity in government spending ahead of using government resources to fight unemployment.

Extremists in the tea party movement have been able to yell at disproportionately high volume in our country because of the sub-rosa patronage of some wealthy sponsors, the Koch brothers, Charles and David, multibillionaires who inherited a powerful conglomerate.

But the left and the center have their billionaires, too: public-spirited people such as Warren Buffett, Ted Turner, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. It's time for such people to fund a great protest march that would bring the unemployed right into the congressional offices of tea party representatives.

As usual, it's not the fault of politicians who take our money and funnel it towards who knows what, but the Koch brothers for...doing something. But if the oppressed masses stick together, they could strike back, complete with a little help from George Soros and Warren Buffett.

So what exactly is the purpose of this march? Apparently, to trigger another New Deal.

Once there, these unemployed people would deliver a simple demand: The government must act immediately to give them back employment. They could invoke quite a number of interesting historical precedents: the platform of the pre-Civil War Whig Party, whose leaders, including Henry Clay and young Abraham Lincoln, urged governmental "internal improvements" -- public works such as canal- and road-building projects -- to give work to the jobless during a ruinous depression that followed a financial panic in 1837.

They would naturally invoke the great precedent of the New Deal's Works Progress Administration, an agency that under the leadership of Harry Hopkins created jobs for the jobless almost overnight, thus providing some desperate and innocent people with a way to save their families and homes.